About the Journal

Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Mahmuda Chowdhury

ISSN 2413-323X (Electronic)
          2313-447X (Print)

Frequency: 2 Issues Annually 

Aims and Scope

Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research (J Curr Adv Med Res) is a leading, open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal on medical science for publication of articles. The journal provides quick initial decisions followed by a high quality medical editing service and an excellent publishing service to its authors. Papers are published open access without a page charge. This journal has been launched from January 2014 and is still continuing. J Curr Adv Med Res is published 2 times per year. Articles include original research papers, reviews, case report and short research communications. Submissions of basic and clinical research are both considered. Articles involving human/animal specimen, patients/volunteers, patient images, or case reports: Studies on these subjects require ETHICAL APPROVAL from Institutional Review Board/Local Ethical Committee and PATIENTS CONSENT. If the patient has died, then consent for publication must be sought from the next of kin of the patient. Both ETHICAL APPROVAL and PATIENTS CONSENT statements should be documented in the article, if appropriate.


Please follow the links below for journals editorial policies

  • Focus and Scope of Journal
  • Publication Ethics
    • Peer Review Process
    • Publication Frequencies
  • Publication Charges
  • Data Sharing Policies: Open Access Policy
  • Article Withdrawal Policy
  • Copyright Notice and Privacy Statement
  • Checklist for Authors
  • Guidelines for Reviewers

Focus and Scose of Journal

This journal aims to publish scientifically written, evidence-based articles from all disciplines of medical sciences and clinical practice, and nursing, preventive medicine, epidemiology and healthcare research. This is a multidisciplinary medical journal. Manuscripts should present novel findings addressing significant questions in clinical medicine research and practice, in the form of original article, editorial, review, short communication, case report, letter to the editor, and others. In addition to that J Curr Adv Med Res publishes studies performed by multi-center groups in the various disciplines of medicine, including clinical trials and cohort studies from large patient populations, specifically phase I, phase II, and phase III studies performed under the auspices of groups such as general clinical research centers, cooperative oncology groups, and the like. Reports of patients with common presentations or diseases, especially studies that delineate the natural history and therapy of important conditions are also published. Reviews oriented to the practicing internist and diagnostic puzzles, complete with images from a variety of specialties are also published. Careful physiological or pharmacological studies that explain normal function or the body's response to disease as well as analytic reviews such as meta-analyses and decision analyses using a formal structure to summarize an important field are acceptable to publish.

Objectives of the Journal:

1. To publish original, well documented, peer reviewed clinical and basic science articles.

2. To inculcate the habit of medical writing.

3. To enable physicians to remain informed in multiple areas of medicine, including developments in fields other than their own.

4. To share the experience and knowledge for benefit of healthcare providers.

5. To document medical problems pertinent to community as diabetes, leishmaniasis, heat stroke, smoking, obesity, prevention of road side accident.

6. To achieve the highest level of ethical medical journalism and to produce a publication that is timely, credible, and enjoyable to read


Peer Review Process

Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research is a peer reviewed, multidisciplinary, open access, international, scientific medical journal with a rigorous editorial screening and assessment process made up of several stages. The editors make decisions on submissions based on scientific rigor, regardless of novelty.

1. Initial Checks after submission of manuscript by Author: A manuscript will be reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that it is being submitted to Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research alone at that point in time and has not been published anywhere, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere. The journal expects that authors would authorize one of them to correspond with the Journal for all matters related to the manuscript. All manuscripts received are duly acknowledged. All submitted manuscripts received by the Editorial Office will be checked by a professional in-house Academic Editor to determine whether they are properly prepared, declared the competing interests and whether they follow the ethical policies of the journal, compliance with editorial policies and ethical standards including those for human and animal experimentation. Manuscripts that do not fit the journal's ethics policy or do not meet the standards of the journal will be rejected before peer-review. Manuscripts that are not properly prepared will be returned to the authors for revision and resubmission. The handling Academic Editor is usually a member of the Editorial Board. After these checks, the Academic Editor will consult the journals’ Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor or Associate Editor to determine whether the manuscript fits the scope of the journal and whether it is scientifically sound. No judgment on the potential impact of the work will be made at this stage. Reject decisions at this stage will be verified by the Editor-in-Chief.

2. Double Blind Peer-Review Process: Once a manuscript passes the initial checks, it will be assigned to at least two independent experts for peer-review. The handling editor selects reviewers based on expertise, publication history, and past reviews, and invites them to provide feedback on the manuscript. After agreeing to review, external peer reviewers typically have 10 days to submit their review. The journal office will follow up with late reviewers and inform the corresponding author if there is any delay. A double-blind review is applied, where authors' identities are unknown to reviewers and the authors do not know the reviewers as well. Peer review comments are confidential and will only be disclosed with the express agreement of the reviewers. Reviewers should not have published with any of the co-authors during the past two years and should not currently work or collaborate with any of the institutions of the co-authors of the submitted manuscript. The reviewers should not be affiliated with the same institutes as the contributor/s. However, the selection of these reviewers is at the sole discretion of the editors

3. Final Editorial Decision and Revision of Manuscript: All the articles, reviews and communications published in Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research go through the peer-review process and receive at least two reviews. The handling Academic Editor or Staff editor makes the final decision on each manuscript. The time to render a first decision averages about 43 days, but times vary depending on how long it takes for the editor to receive and assess reviews. The editor will communicate the decision to the authors, which will be one of the following:

  • Accept after Minor Revisions: The paper is in principle accepted after revision based on the reviewer’s comments. Authors are given five days for minor revisions.
  • Reconsider after Major Revisions: The acceptance of the manuscript would depend on the revisions. The author needs to provide a point by point response if some of the reviewer’s comments cannot be revised. Usually, only one round of major revisions is allowed. Authors will be asked to resubmit the revised paper within a suitable time frame, and the revised version will be returned to the reviewer for further comments.
  • Reject and Encourage Resubmission: If additional experiments are needed to support the conclusions, the manuscript will be rejected and the authors will be encouraged to re-submit the paper once further experiments have been conducted.
  • Reject: The article has serious flaws, and/or makes no original significant contribution. No offer of resubmission to the journal is provided.

All reviewer comments should be responded to in a point-by-point fashion. Where the authors disagree with a reviewer, they must provide a clear response. Decisions are communicated to the corresponding author in a formal letter, along with reviewer feedback and any other requirements from the journal office. If the editor feels that the submitted manuscript has the potential to be published, but requires changes, the authors will be invited to revise it and will give 45 days to resubmit the revised manuscript for both a major or a minor revision.

4. Production and Publication of Article: Manuscripts accepted for publication are copy edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format. Page proofs are sent to the corresponding author. The corresponding author is expected to return the corrected proofs within three days. It may not be possible to incorporate corrections received after that period. The whole process of submission of the manuscript to final decision and sending and receiving proofs is completed online. Finally the articles will be published on the Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research (https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/jcamr) website.


Publication Frequency

The journal is published two issues per year. This is January and July of each year.

Indexed in:

ISSN Website

Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms. Details of Licence. Articles in the Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research are Open Access articles published under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.


Article Withdrawal Policy

Submission of an article to J Curr Adv Med Res implies that the work has NOT been published or has not been submitted elsewhere, therefore, the journal is strongly against unethical withdrawal of an article from the publication process after submission. Once the article is submitted, the author grants the editorial board full publishing rights and it is the absolute right of the editorial board to decide on article withdrawals. For genuine withdrawal, the corresponding author should submit a request which must be signed by all co-authors explaining the reason of withdrawing the manuscript. The request will be processed by the editorial board and only serious genuine reasons will be considered if possible. The decision of the editorial board will be final and not negotiable. Unethical withdrawal or no response from the authors to editorial board communication will be subjected to sanction a ban of 4 years to all authors, and their institute will also be notified.


Policies of Conflict of Interest, Human & Animal Rights and Informed Consent

Policies of Conflict of Interest

All authors of the manuscript must disclose any and all conflict of interest related to financial, Institutional or product that is mentioned in the manuscript and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work and/or is important to biasness of the outcome of the study . Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Authors should complete the declaration of interest statement using the template and upload to the submission system at the Attach/Upload Files step or can send to the editor through the email. If there are no interests to declare, please choose: 'Declarations of interest: there is no conflict of interest to any of the authors'. This statement will be published within the article if accepted. 

Complying With Ethics of Experimentation (Human & Animal Rights): Please ensure that all research reported in submitted papers has been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner, and is in full compliance with all relevant codes of experimentation and legislation. All papers which report in vivo experiments or clinical trials on humans or animals must include a written statement in the Methods section. This should explain that all work was conducted with the formal approval of the local human subject or animal care committees (institutional and national), and that clinical trials have been registered as legislation requires. Authors who do not have formal ethics review committees should include a statement that their study follows the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.

Policies of Informed Consent: All authors are required to follow the ICMJE requirements on privacy and informed consent from patients and study participants. Please confirm that any patient, service user, or participant (or that person’s parent or legal guardian) in any research, experiment, or clinical trial described in the manuscript has given written consent to the inclusion of material pertaining to themselves, that they acknowledge that they cannot be identified via the manuscript; and that you have fully anonymized them. Where someone is deceased, please ensure you have written consent from the family or estate. Authors may use Patient Consent Form, which should be completed, saved, and sent to the journal if requested. Furthermore, identifying information should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, sonograms, CT scans, etc., and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian, wherever applicable) gives written informed consent for publication. Authors should remove patients' names from figures unless they have obtained written informed consent from the patients. When informed written consent has been obtained, it should be indicated in the article and copy of the consent should be attached with the covering letter. 

Health and Safety: Please confirm that all mandatory laboratory health and safety procedures have been complied with in the course of conducting any experimental work reported in the manuscript. Please ensure that the manuscript contains all appropriate warnings on any hazards that may be involved in carrying out the experiments or procedures you have described, or that may be involved in instructions, materials, or formulae. Please include all relevant safety precautions; and cite any accepted standard or code of practice. Authors working in animal science may find it useful to consult the International Association of Veterinary Editors’ Consensus Author Guidelines on Animal Ethics and Welfare and Guidelines for the Treatment of Animals in Behavioural Research and Teaching. When a product has not yet been approved by an appropriate regulatory body for the use described in the manuscript, please specify this, or that the product is still investigational.


Authorship Policies and Contribution

Please provide the names of all authors in full, including first name. Authors should be listed only those who contributed to the actual writing of the manuscript, rather than members of the laboratory contributing to primary work. Anyone else who contributed to the article can be thanked in the acknowledgements section.

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations 2013) recommend that authorship be based on the following five criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.
  2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
  5. All authors must be signed on Authorship and Contribution Agreement form.

For transparency, we encourage authors to submit an author statement file outlining their individual contributions to the paper using the relevant CRediT roles: Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project administration; Resources; Software; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Roles/Writing - original draft; Writing - review & editing.

Authorship statements should be formatted with the names of authors first and CRediT role(s) following.

Editorial Board


Professor Mahmuda Chowdhury
MBBS, MPH(CM), DMEd(UK), MPH in Epid, MMEd (UK)
Former Head & Professor of Community Medicine and Public Health

Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh &

Former Principal , International Medical College,
Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Email: mahmuda.commed@yahoo.com

Executive Editor

Dr. M. Abdullah Yusuf
MBBS, M.Phil. (Microbiology), MPH (Epidemiology)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Microbiology
National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: ayusuf75@yahoo.com
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8551-7185

Deputy Editor

Dr A T M Hasibul Hasan
MBBS, MCPS (Medicine) MD (Neurology)
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Neurology
National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: parag007us@gmail.com

Assistant Editor

Dr. Afsana Mahjabin
Associate Professor
Department of Community Medicine,
Monno Medical College, Manikganj, Bangladesh
E. mail : afsana.aqsa@gmail.com
Phone no. +8801768677154
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9717-6085

Members of Editorial Board

Dr. Kazi Nabila Bushrah
Medical Laboratory Assistance at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) 
DynaLife Medical Labs. as Medical Laboratory Assistant II (MLA II)
Anatomic Pathology Department at the Base Laboratory
Corporate Head Office, Base Laboratory
Suite 200 10150 102 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 5E2
Email: kazi.bushrah@dynalife.ca
Dr. Akhi Mustari, MD 
American Board certified in internal medicine 
Mercy Hospital South
10010 Kennerly Road, Sappington, MO 63128
Email: mustariakhi@gmail.com; akhi.mustari@mercy.net

Dr Md Rashedul Hassan
MBBS, FCPS (Medicine)
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medicine
Green Life Medical College
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dr Md Zillur Rahman Khan 
MBBS, MPhil (Epidemiology), FCPS (Psychiatry)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry
Patuakhali Medical College, Patuakhali, Bangladesh
Email: mzrkhan@gmail.com

Dr Meheroon Nahar
ST3 Haematology trainee in East Midland Deanery 
Lincolnshire NHS Hospital Trust, UK
Email: meheroon.nahar@nhs.net
Dr. Mahfuzar Rahman
Country Director, Bangladesh
Pure Earth
Email: mahfuzar@pureearth.org
Dr. Poly Akhter
MBBS, MPH (University of Chester) 
Medical Officer (Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Maldives)
Graduate Teaching Assistant (University of Chester)
Learning Mentor, Abbey School, UK
Email: poly.vnsc07@gmail.com; p.akhter@abbeyschool.com
ORCID ID : 0000-0002-1198-0492
Dr. Sreekanta Barman
MBBS, MRCP Final Part 
Senior House Officer
Department of Care of Elderly and Acute Medicine 
Raigmore Hospital, UK
Email: sreekanta.barman@nhs.scot; bdrahul165@gmail.com
ORCID ID: 0009-0009-7685-8904
Dr. Asif Mahmud
MBBS, MRCP, MD (Nephrology)
ST4 Renal Trainee
Worcester Royal Hospital
Worcester, West Midlands, UK
Email: rafimahmud84@gmail.com; asif.mahmud@nhs.net
Dr. KSM Zibran Zalis Gaznavee
MBBS, MRCP part 1, USMLE step 1, FCPS part 1
Senior House Officer (Clinical Fellow)
Department of Geriatrics Medicine
Queens Hospital, UK
Email: mdzalisdm@gmail.com; zibran.gaznavee@nhs.net
Dr. Most Sirajum Munira
Assistant Professor
Deaprtment of Clinical Medicine/ Cardiology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY
Attending Physician, Cardiovascular disease
NYC Health and Hospital Corporations/ Queens 
New York, USA
Email: drmunira04@gmail.com; muniram1@nychhc.org
Dr. Mahbuba Hasan 
MBBS, ACEM trainee
Registrar, Emergency Department, 
Monash Health, Victoria, Australia
Email: mahbuba.hasan@monashhealth.org
Dr. Md. Abdul Alim
MBBS, MPH, M.Phil. (Epidemiology)
Assistant Professor (OSD), DGHS, MOHFW, Bangladesh and
PhD Fellow at Public Health & Primary Care department
Ghent University, Belgium
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5004-6013


Dr. Sufi Hannan Zulfikar Rahman
MBBS, MD (Immunology)
Associate Professor, Department of Immunology

National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Email: sufihannan@yahoo.com

Dr. Mohammad Sayeed Hassan (Bangladesh)
MBBS, MD (Neurology), FCPS (Medicine)
Junior Consultant, Dept. of Clinical Neurology
National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: dr.sayeed@yahoo.com

Dr. Reaz Fatema Popy (UK)
MBBS, M. Phil (Microbiology), MSc (UK)
Physician, Urswick Medical Centre
London, UK
Email: dr_reaz_fatema@hotmail.com

Dr. Nasir Farooque Bhatt (Pakistan)
Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Medicine
King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan
Email: nasirfarooq75@yahoo.com

Dr. Ali Imam Ahsan (Bangladesh)
Associate Consultant, Dept of ENT
SAHIC Specialized Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: emon_35th@yahoo.com

Dr. Kazi Lutfor Rahman 
BDS, MS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery), PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Dhaka Dental College, Dhaka, Bangladesh  
Email: dr.lutfor123@gmail.com

Dr. Khurshed Mozammel (India)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine
Muzaffarnagar Medical College, UP, India
Email: drkmb25@yahoo.com

Dr. Sapana Amatya Vaidya (Nepal)
Registrar, Dept. of Gynaecology & Obstretrics
Paropakaar Maternity and Women Hospital, Nepal
Email: vaidyasapana@gmail.com

Dr. Ahmed Raihan Sharif (Bangladesh)
MBBS, MPH (Epidemiology)
Medical Officer, Dept. of Virology
Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control & Research,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: drraihan@gmail.com

Dr. Raheel Farooque Bhatt (Saudi Arabia)
Medical Officer King Fahad Medical City,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Saifullah Munshi PhD
MBBS, M.Phil (Virology), PhD
Professor, Dept. of Virology
Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: saifmunshi@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Naila Huq
MBBS, MD (Pathology)
Professor, Dept. of Pathology
Mugda Medical College
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed
MBBS, M.Phil (Microbiology)
Head, Dept. of Microbiology
Enam Medical College, Savar,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: i.ahmed_2008@yahoo.com

Professor Fatema Ashraf
MBBS, FCPS (Gynaecology), MPH (Epidemiology)
Professor, Dept. of Gynaecology & Obstretrics
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: fatema_ashraf@yahoo.com

Subscription Information

The circulation number of J Curr Adv Med Res per issue is two hundred (200 pcs). For subscription, submission and other information, please visit our website (www.banglajol.info/index.php/JCAMR) and you can mail to us at editor.jcamr@yahoo.com; ayusuf75@yahoo.com

To subscribe to this journal or renew your current subscription, please complete the Subscription Order Form and send it to us through email (editor.jcamr@yahoo.com). The annual subscription rates are US $50 plus postage for individuals and US $100 plus postage for Institutions for the overseas subscribers and TK 200 plus postage for local subscribers.


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