Physico-chemical Characterization, Classification and Quality Evaluation of Date Palm Fruits of some Moroccan Cultivars


  • A. Hasanaoui Laboratory of Plant Biology and Microorganisms, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, BP 717 Oujda, Morocco
  • M. A. Elhoumaizi Laboratory of Plant Biology and Microorganisms, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, BP 717 Oujda, Morocco
  • A. Hakkou Laboratory of Biochemistry, Department of Biology, University Mohammed 1st Faculty of Sciences, BP 717 Oujda, Morocco
  • B. Wathelet Gembloux Agricultural University - FUSAGx , Unité Technologie des Industries Agro-Alimentaires,Passage des Déportés 2,Gembloux 5030, Belgium
  • M. Sindic Gembloux Agricultural University - FUSAGx , Unité Technologie des Industries Agro-Alimentaires,Passage des Déportés 2,Gembloux 5030, Belgium



Date (Phoenix dactylifera L), Reducing sugars, Moisture content, Maturity.


Fourteen native date cultivars from different oases and regions of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria were examined for their approximate composition, water activity, and CIELAB parameters. Sugars were the predominant component in all studied date cultivars (~ 54.14 - 75.56 g/100g dry matter), followed by moisture content (~7.2 - 31.9%), along with small amount of protein (~1.9 - 3.3g/100g dry matter), fat (~ 0.1 - 0.44g/100g dry matter), and ash (~1.88 - 3.45g/100 g dry matter). Dates with early maturity had the highest water activity (0.78 - 0.87) in contrast to late maturing dates cultivars. In the Deglet Nour (Tunisia) and Aziza bouzid (Morocco) cultivars, sucrose is dominant, whereas, the majority of other cultivars were rich in fructose and glucose in comparable proportions. No significant changes were observed in the approximate composition of samples of different geographical origins. All cultivars show significant differences in color. The date with late maturity (from Assiane, Aziza bouzid and Boufeggous gharas locations of Morocco) were characterized by higher L*, a*, b* than the other date cultivars. Chemical composition of dates seems to be a good tool for fruit physiological and technological ability studies.

Keywords: Date fruit; Reducing sugars; Moisture content; Maturity.

© 2011 JSR Publications. ISSN: 2070-0237 (Print); 2070-0245 (Online). All rights reserved.

doi:10.3329/jsr.v3i1.6062                J. Sci. Res. 3 (1), 139-149 (2011)


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Author Biographies

A. Hasanaoui, Laboratory of Plant Biology and Microorganisms, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, BP 717 Oujda, Morocco

Laboratory of Plant Biology and Microorganisms, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, BP 717 Oujda, Morocco

M. A. Elhoumaizi, Laboratory of Plant Biology and Microorganisms, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, BP 717 Oujda, Morocco

M A. Elhoumaizi


Laboratory of Plant Biology and Microorganisms, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, BP 717 Oujda, Morocco

A. Hakkou, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Department of Biology, University Mohammed 1st Faculty of Sciences, BP 717 Oujda, Morocco

A. Hakkou



Laboratory of Biochemistry, Department of Biology, University Mohammed 1st Faculty of Sciences, BP 717 Oujda, Morocco


B. Wathelet, Gembloux Agricultural University - FUSAGx , Unité Technologie des Industries Agro-Alimentaires,Passage des Déportés 2,Gembloux 5030, Belgium

 B. Wathelet 

 Gembloux Agricultural University - FUSAGx , Unité Technologie des Industries Agro-Alimentaires,Passage des Déportés 2,Gembloux 5030, Belgium


M. Sindic, Gembloux Agricultural University - FUSAGx , Unité Technologie des Industries Agro-Alimentaires,Passage des Déportés 2,Gembloux 5030, Belgium

M. Sindic

Gembloux Agricultural University - FUSAGx , Unité Technologie des Industries Agro-Alimentaires,Passage des Déportés 2,Gembloux 5030, Belgium




How to Cite

Hasanaoui, A., Elhoumaizi, M. A., Hakkou, A., Wathelet, B., & Sindic, M. (2010). Physico-chemical Characterization, Classification and Quality Evaluation of Date Palm Fruits of some Moroccan Cultivars. Journal of Scientific Research, 3(1), 139.



Section B: Chemical and Biological Sciences