Stage IV Sarcoidosis with Cor pulmonale: A Case Report


  • Mostashirul Haque Department of Cardiology, Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka
  • Tunaggina Afrin Khan Department of Cardiology, Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka
  • Md Rasul Amin Department of Cardiology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka
  • Montasin Rezwan Department of Cardiology, Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka
  • Md Rashidul Hasan Department of Chest Medicine, National Institute of Chest Disease Hospital, Dhaka
  • KMHS Sirajul Haque Department of Cardiology, Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka
  • HI Lutfur Rahman Khan Department of Cardiology, Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka



Sarcoidosis is a well known systemic disorder that invariably involves lungs. However, pulmonary hypertension and cor-pulmanle are not common due to pulmonary involvement of sarcoidosis. We report a case of pulmonary hypertension leading to corpulmonale due to sarcoidosis. An elderly female suffering from hypertension & sarcoidosis developed complications and arrived at the diagnosis by correlating various investigations. X-ray chest (P/A) showed cardiomegaly (right ventricular type), reticulo-nodular shadow involving both mid and lower zone; characteristic high resolution CT (HRCT) scan appearances include reticulonodular opacities; pulmonary function test showed restrictive type of defect; ECG showed right ventricular hypertrophy with strain pattern; in echocardiogram there were right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) with pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) of 63 mmHg indicating severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PH); along with significantly elevated B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP) level.

Bangladesh Heart Journal 2015; 30(1) : 37-42


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Author Biography

Mostashirul Haque, Department of Cardiology, Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka




How to Cite

Haque, M., Khan, T. A., Amin, M. R., Rezwan, M., Hasan, M. R., Haque, K. S., & Khan, H. L. R. (2016). Stage IV Sarcoidosis with Cor pulmonale: A Case Report. Bangladesh Heart Journal, 30(1), 37–42.



Case Reports