Impact of Seasonal Variation on Bacteriological Quality of Drinking Water
rinking water, Khairpur City, Faecal pollution, DiarrhoeaAbstract
To assess the bacteriological quality 768 drinking water samples were collected from different locations in Khairpur City, Sindh, Pakistan over a period of two years from January 2006 to December 2007. The study reveals that out of 768 drinking water samples 567 (73.83%) samples were found to be contaminated with total coliform among them 85 (11.06%) found in the January-March period, 182 (23.70%) in April-June period, 188 (24.47%) in July-September, 112 (14.58%) in October-December period. Faecal coliform was found in 351 (45.70%) water sample, in which 49 (15.80%) occurred during January-March, 137 (17.83%) during April-June, 136 (17.71%) during July-September and 69 (8.98%) during September-December. It can be concluded from the results of the present study that bacteriological quality of two-third drinking water in Khairpur City is not safe as the water is the potential source of diarrhoeal disease agents.
Keywords: Drinking water; Khairpur City; Faecal pollution; Diarrhoea
Bangladesh J Microbiol, Volume 25, Number 1, June 2008, pp 69-72