Paraoxonase-1 Enzyme Activity and Oxidative Status in Pulmonary Hypertension Original Article


  • Muhsin Kalyoncuoglu Haseki Training and Research Hospital, Cardiology Department, Haseki, Istanbul, TURKEY
  • Murat Baskurt Istanbul Bilim University, Cardiology Department, Sisli, Istanbul, TURKEY
  • Aysem Kaya Istanbul University, Institute of Cardiology, Biochemistry Department, Haseki, Istanbul, TURKEY
  • Gunes M Dogan Sisli Training and Research Hospital, Cardiology Department, Sisli, Istanbul, TURKEY
  • Okay Abacl Istanbul University, Institute of Cardiology, Cardiology Department, Haseki, Istanbul, TURKEY
  • Ismail Polat Canbolat Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital, Cardiology Department, Sisli, Istanbul, TURKEY
  • UmitYasar Sinan Istanbul University, Institute of Cardiology, Cardiology Department, Haseki, Istanbul, TURKEY
  • M Serdar Kucukoglu Istanbul University, Institute of Cardiology, Cardiology Department, Haseki, Istanbul, TURKEY



Oxidative stres, paroxonaseenzyme, pulmonaryhypertension, arylesterase


Objective: Oxidative stress has been considered to be one of the main causes for the development of pulmonary hypertension (PH) via leading alteration of pulmonary vasomotor tone induced by hypoxia. The aim of this study is to determine the serum paraoxonase-1 enzyme (PON-1) activity, arylesterase activity, the antioxidant-oxidant status in patients with PH and to compare with healthy controls.

Material and Methods: Thirty five healthy ındividuals (mean age 45.7±5.9 years) as a control group and thirty eight patients (mean age 46.5±12.6 years) with a diagnosis of PH wereincluded in thestudy. Serum PON-1 and arylesterase activity, the total antioxidative capacity of plasma (TAC) and total oxidantstatus (TOS) were measured by using colorimetric methods. The Oxidative Stress Index (OSI) wascalculated as TOS/ TACX100.

Results: Serum PON1 activity is significantly lower in PH patients when compared with healthy controls (p=0.001). The serum arylesterase activity and TAC, TOS and OSI status were similarin bothgroups. There is inverse correlation between serum PON1 activityand NYHA functionalcapacity (r:-0.649 p=0.001). Furthermore, PON1 activity of study patients are similarin the PH subgroups. Serum activity of PON1 wasfoundto bethe only independent parameter for the presence of PH in binary logistic regression analysis (OR 0.984, 95 % CI 0.977-0.992, p=0.001). Eight patients died follow up period (27.6±14.5 months) and none of theparametersincluding PON1 were associated with mortality.

Conclusion: Serum PON1 activity of PH patients is lowerthanhealthypopulation, but does not predictmortality.

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol.19(4) 2020 p.652-658


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How to Cite

Kalyoncuoglu, M., Baskurt, M., Kaya, A., Dogan, G. M., Abacl, O., Canbolat, I. P., … Kucukoglu, M. S. (2020). Paraoxonase-1 Enzyme Activity and Oxidative Status in Pulmonary Hypertension Original Article. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 19(4), 652–658.



Original Articles