“Concept mapping – an innovative approach to learning”


  • Preetha Paul Professor, Department of Physiology, Tagore Medical College and Hospital, The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University, Rathinamangalam, Chennai – 600 127, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Rajarajan Easuraj Compulsory Rotatory Resident Intern (CRRI), Tagore Medical College and Hospital, Rathinamangalam, Chennai – 600 127, India
  • Sasikumar Arumugam Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Tagore Medical College and Hospital, Rathinamangalam, Chennai – 600 127, India
  • Jamunarani Srirangaramasamy Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Tagore Medical College and Hospital, Rathinamangalam, Chennai – 600 127, India




Concept maps;learning; workshop


Background:For a medical student to blossom into a competent doctor with critical thinkingand decision-making skills, appropriate learning techniques that will enhance his learning anddevelop higher-order thinking skills are needed. Concept mapping is a learning technique thatcreates a mind map. It serves to represent information in a structured format with appropriate linkage and sequencing.

Objective:This article describes a concept mapping workshop that wasorganized in our institution, our pre- and post-test results and the feedback we received.

Materialsand methods:An innovative workshop on “Learning by concept mapping” was organized forfirst year MBBS students. Twelve facilitators and 150 students participated. The workshopbegan with an introductory talk on concept mapping. Then, a demonstration on how to createconcept maps was given. This was followed by a hands – on session where the students createdtheir own concept maps under the guidance of facilitators. Pre- and post-tests were administeredand feedback on the workshop was taken.

Results and Discussion:Statistical analysis showedsignificant improvement betweenpre- and post-test scores. Participants appreciated the workshopand felt that concept mapping was an innovative way of learning and could help in assimilatingcomplicated subject matter.

Conclusion:Concept mapping, asa learning technique, can lead toa meaningful learning experience. Such innovative approaches to learning are welcomed bystudents.

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol.20(1) 2021 p.115-121


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How to Cite

Paul, P., Easuraj, R., Arumugam, S., & Srirangaramasamy, J. (2021). “Concept mapping – an innovative approach to learning”. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 20(1), 115–121. https://doi.org/10.3329/bjms.v20i1.50355



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