The Potential Effect of Mucuna pruriens Seed Extract on Sperm Quality experimental study on mice exposed to cigarette smoke


  • Meidona Nurul Milla Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, UNISSULA, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Yani Istadi Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, UNISSULA, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Vania Shaula Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, UNISSULA, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Deastri Anjeas Wari Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, UNISSULA, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Chntyia Dwi Cahyani Puspitasari Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, UNISSULA, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Umar Usman Bin Sef Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, UNISSULA, Semarang, Indonesia



cigarette smoke; Mucuna pruriens seed extract; sperm quality


Background: Infertility has been more common problems among couple of reproductive age. One of the factors causing this disorder is unhealthy environmental factors including exposure to cigarette smoke. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in cigarette smoke can cause testicular atrophy, while the free radicals can inhibit the stages of spermatogenesis, and nicotine in cigarettes affects the brain dopamine levels affecting the levels of GnRH, and subsequently affect the levels of FSH and LH needed in spermatogenesis. The use of Mucuna pruriens seed extract containing antioxidants and L-dopa is expected to improve the quality of sperm after exposure to cigarette smoke.

Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of Mucuna pruriens seed extract on the sperm quality in mice exposed to cigarette smoke.

Methods: This study was an experimental study with a post test only control group design. A total of 20 mice were divided into 4 groups of five mice each. All groups were exposed to cigarette smoke. Group 1 was the negative control exposed to cigarette smoke. Groups 2, 3, 4 were exposed to cigarettes smoke and given Mucuna pruriens seed extracts at the dose of 250; 300; and 350 mg/Kg BW/day. Parameters of sperm quality included concentration, morphology, motility and viability.

Results: Post hoc tests showed there were significant differences among treatment groups.

Conclusion: the administration of Mucuna pruriens seed extract affects the sperm quality of BALB/c mice exposed to cigarettes smoke.

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol.20(4) 2021 p.768-773


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How to Cite

Milla, M. N., Istadi, Y., Shaula, V., Wari, D. A., Puspitasari, C. D. C., & Bin Sef, U. U. (2021). The Potential Effect of Mucuna pruriens Seed Extract on Sperm Quality experimental study on mice exposed to cigarette smoke. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 20(4), 768–773.



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