Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science <p>A journal sponsored by the Ibn Sina Trust. Full-text articles available.<br />NLM ID=101563859</p> <p><strong>Indexes</strong>: SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&amp;HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, ESCI, CCR-EXPANDED, IC</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Sciences is included on <a title="DOAJ" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DOAJ</a>.</p> <p><strong>Journal Metrics</strong><br /><a href="">CiteScore Tracker 2023</a>: Updated on June 07, 2023</p> <p><strong>1.4</strong> = <strong>669</strong> Citations to date / <strong>473</strong> Documents to date</p> <p><strong>Powered by Scopus</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ResearchGate Journal Impact</a> (2013):<strong> 0.62</strong></p> <p><a href=";tip=sid">Scimago Journal Rank</a> (2023): <strong>0.22</strong></p> <p><img src="" /></p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: 11pt; color: #000000; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">WoS Report 2022-2023:</span></strong></p> <p><a href=" MED SCI&amp;year=2022&amp;fromPage=%2Fjcr%2Fhome">Impact Factor 2022: <strong>0.9</strong></a><strong> [</strong><em>The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is a journal-level metric calculated from data indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection.</em><strong>]</strong></p> Ibn Sina Medical College en-US Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 2223-4721 <p>Authors who publish in the Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science agree to the following terms that:</p><ol type="1" start="1"><li>Authors retain copyright and grant Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science the right of first publication of the work.<br /><br /></li><li><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons Licence" /></a><br />Articles in Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science are licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a> CC BY-4.0.This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</li><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are permitted to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as greater citation of published work.</li></ol> Resistant Tuberculosis: A Comprehensive Health Predicament <p>Abstract not available</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 293-299</p> Susmita Sinha Rahnuma Ahmad Kona Chowdhury Mainul Haque Copyright (c) 2024 Susmita Sinha, Rahnuma Ahmad, Kona Chowdhury, Mainul Haque 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 293 299 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72091 Valproate-induced Pedal Edema: Troublesome Side Effect yet Neglected? <p>Valproate is a commonly used mood stabiliser that has various adverse effects. One such adverse effect is peripheral edema. This case report highlights a case of a 25-year-old female patient who presented with severe pedal edema after starting treatment with valproate for bipolar disorder. The patient had a few other risk factors for edema which makes the diagnosis challenging. Pedal edema is a troublesome adverse effect that can significantly impact the quality of life of patients taking valproate, yet it is often neglected. This case report emphasizes the importance of recognizing and managing valproateinduced peripheral edema in clinical practice.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 539-541</p> Siti Nur Najibah Fauzi Arifah Ismail Aisyah Che Rahimi Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Nur Najibah Fauzi, Arifah Ismail, Aisyah Che Rahimi 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 539 541 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72197 ‘Digastricus’ axillary arch: A potential source of hyperabduction syndrome- Case report <p>Axillary arch is an anatomical variant musculo-tendinous structure that originates from the latissimus dorsi muscle and often inserted to the pectoralis major muscle. Being musculo-tendinous, its one end is generally muscular and another end is tendinous. Here we report a variant muscular arch with its both ends muscular and were joined by an intermediate tendinous slip; thus, the name digastricus axillary arch. This variant form of axillary arch was encountered unilaterally in an elderly female cadaver and appeared to be compressing the neurovascular structures at the vicinity of axilla. Presence of axillary arch known to cause various complications such as brachial plexus compression, hyperabduction syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome etc. The clinicians, therefore must have a prior knowledge of rare existence of axillary arch muscle before considering differential diagnosis in the patients presenting upper extremity neurovascular symptoms without demonstrable compressions</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 542-545</p> Naveen Kumar Abdalla Ahmed Eldaw Elamin Vijay Samuel Paul Kumar MR Bhat Copyright (c) 2024 Naveen Kumar, Abdalla Ahmed Eldaw Elamin, Vijay Samuel Paul, Kumar MR Bhat 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 542 545 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72198 Patient with a rare weaker subgroup-A exhibiting ABO discrepancy: a case report <p>Weaker subgroups have the potential to cause problems in the immunohaematological testing in the blood banks. We report here a case of rare weaker subgroup A, detected during the usual ABO grouping. A 49-year-old lady exhibited a discrepancy in the forward and reverse groupings. In forward-grouping, there was a mixedfield reaction with anti-A and anti-A,B while there was no reaction with anti-B. The reverse grouping showed no reaction with the A1 and A2 cells, but the reaction with B-cell was 4+. Further tests were performed and revealed a weaker subgroup of A. It is crucial to properly investigate and resolve any discrepancy in ABO grouping before commencing transfusion to avoid any wrong blood transfusion. This case report may assist others in resolving the ABO blood group discrepancies.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 546-550</p> Rabeya Yousuf Nurasyikin Yusof Nur Afifah Suhemi Nor Fadzliana Abdullah Thalith Suria Abdul Aziz Copyright (c) 2024 Rabeya Yousuf, Nurasyikin Yusof, Nur Afifah Suhemi, Nor Fadzliana Abdullah Thalith, Suria Abdul Aziz 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 546 550 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72199 The Association of Allergy and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus as a Single Disease and an Overlapping Syndrome compared to Control Group <p>Allergic diseases and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) sometimes are being connected since both of these diseases are affected by gene-environment processes. SLE can appear coexisting with other autoimmune diseases as an overlapping syndrome. This research was done to investigate the relation of allergic diseases and SLE as a single SLE or overlapping syndrome compared to control. We collected datas from 39 SLE only, 22 overlapping syndrome SLE, and 39 non SLE subjects who had filled an online Score for Allergic Rhinitis (SFAR) questionnaire. There are significant outcomes of the existance of allergic disease (p=.007), atopic dermatitis (p=.000) and total number of allergies (p=.016) in SLE patients. There is a correlation of the appearance of allergy in SLE as a single or coexisting with other autoimmune disease compared to control group. Atopic dermatitis and the more number of allergic diseases that the one have, play role in appearing SLE.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 551-554&nbsp;</p> Kirana Pawitra Nareswari Yulyani Werdiningsih Dewi Pratiwi Niken Dyah Aryani Ari Matea Copyright (c) 2024 Kirana Pawitra Nareswari, Yulyani Werdiningsih, Dewi Pratiwi, Niken Dyah Aryani, Ari Matea 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 551 554 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72200 Application of computer on Pharmacogenomics <p><strong>Background </strong>&nbsp;Pharmacogenomics is an emerging field that explores the relationship between a person’s genetic makeup and their response to drugs.</p> <p><strong>Objectives:</strong> Computer applications have been instrumental in advancing pharmacogenomics research and facilitating personalized medicine. In this abstract, we review some of the key computer applications used in pharmacogenomics research, including bioinformatics tools for analyzing genetic data, machine learning algorithms for predicting drug response, and clinical decision support systems for guiding drug selection and dosing. We also highlight the challenges and opportunities in the field of pharmacogenomics, including the need for large-scale, multi-omics datasets, and the importance of developing robust and interpretable machine learning models. Overall, computer applications have played a critical role in enabling pharmacogenomics research and have the potential to revolutionize the practice of medicine by facilitating the development of more personalized and effective drug therapies.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 300-308</p> Muhammed Amanat Randhir Singh Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammed Amanat, Randhir Singh 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 300 308 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72092 Paraumbilical Hernia containing Appendiceal Inflammation: A Systematic Review <p><strong>Background </strong>&nbsp;Usually umbilical hernia contains bowel loops and omentum. The diagnosis becomes even more challenging when they imitate strangulated umbilical hernia. An acutely inflamed appendix has been seen in the femoral and inguinal hernia but is rarely found in the paraumbilical hernia.</p> <p><strong>Objectives </strong>&nbsp;To observe the symptoms, findings, and treatment process of cases of umbilical/ paraumbilical hernia in past literature and document a case report in the appendix within the paraumbilical hernia.</p> <p><strong>Methods </strong>&nbsp;Literature has been searched with keywords and statements of umbilical hernia, appendix within the umbilical hernia, and paraumbilical hernia. Studies on appendix within paraumbilical hernia are scarce in the literature. Six studies from the past 12 years were included.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>&nbsp;There were six studies included. Pain, fever, vomiting, and swelling on the umbilicus were the common symptoms. No postoperative complication was seen.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>&nbsp;Several factors can be responsible for umbilical hernia. A case report of a 50-years old male presented to Jinnah Hospital, Lahore with pain and umbilical swelling. Appendiceal inflammation was found in the hernia sac. Umbilical herniorrhaphy and appendectomy were done.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 309-313</p> Kamran Ali Shamaila Hassnain Shamaila Hassnain Noor Shahid Copyright (c) 2024 Kamran Ali, Shamaila Hassnain, Shamaila Hassnain, Noor Shahid 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 309 313 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72093 Healthcare Information Systems (HIS): Implementation Challenges in Developing Countries <p>In developing nations, the establishment of sustainable healthcare information systems (HIS) is often hindered by insufficient government policies and outdated technology. Bangladesh is a notable example where many patients lack proper healthcare access due to fragmented and non-digitally recorded data. Research has shown that standardized hospital healthcare systems can streamline patient management, increasing the capacity to serve more patients simultaneously. These systems have the potential to improve healthcare in developing nations significantly. This article offers an overview of the key obstacles that impede HIS implementation in these countries. The study looked at relevant information systems literature using a systematic literature review (SLR). The systematic literature review (SLR) was governed by a review process, and relevant studies were gathered from three databases: IEEE Xplore, EBSCO Databases, and ScienceDirect. A total of 4014 papers were initially found. However, only 11 main studies were included for analysis after a careful selection procedure governed by inclusion and exclusion criteria. This study found 24 obstacles to adopting Healthcare Information Systems (HIS) in developing countries, divided into six groups. These obstacles include a lack of financial assistance, inadequate infrastructure, inadequate education and awareness, cultural and political obstacles, reluctance to change, and poor system quality.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 314-326</p> Shafiqur Rahman Aminul Islam Copyright (c) 2024 Shafiqur Rahman, Aminul Islam 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 314 326 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72094 Originating at Teeth to Tranquility: The Application of Dental Stem Cells in the Treatment of Emotional Disturbance <p>Abstract not available</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 290-292</p> Namrata Dagli Mainul Haque Santosh Kumar Copyright (c) 2024 Namrata Dagli, Mainul Haque, Santosh Kumar 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 290 292 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72090 Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Obese Population: Impact on Lipid profile <p><strong>Introduction </strong>&nbsp;Obesity has became a significant health concern over the past decade. According to a higher body mass index (BMI), obesity enhances the probability of malignancy, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiac disorders, and musculoskeletal diseases. Bariatric surgery, a typical and effective surgical intervention for patients with excess body weight with concurrent medical conditions, achieves significant weight loss over a long period. Numerous studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of various bariatric surgery techniques for improving glycemic homeostasis and helping patients lose weight. However, little is known about how bariatric surgery affects the lipid profile. The study aims to determine how patients’ altered BMI affects lipid parameters following OAGB/MGB surgery.</p> <p><strong>Methods </strong>&nbsp;To achieve this, the longitudinal observational study was conducted from January 2021 to January 2022 among 150 patients scheduled to undergo Anastomosis Gastric Bypass Surgery. The mean age of the patients was 41.7 years, with a standard deviation of 14.7 years (mean±SD: 41.7±14.7). Among the study participants, 56 individuals (37.3%) were male, while 94 (62.7%) were female.</p> <p><strong>Objectives </strong>&nbsp;Regarding comorbidities, hypertension was identified as the most prevalent condition among the enrolled patients, affecting 49.3% of them.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>&nbsp;It was observed that the levels of S. Cholesterol and S. Triglyceride showed a significant decrease after one month (Visit-1) of the bypass surgery, with a reduction of 21.8 mg/dl (95% CI=-31.9, -11.6, p=&lt;0.001) and 14 mg/dl (95% CI=-25.5, -2.51, p=0.017), respectively</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>&nbsp;OAGB outcome is associated with a healthier lipid profile and enhanced weight management.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 327-336</p> Arya Singh Susmita Sinha Rahnuma Ahmad Md Ahsanul Haq Mahendra Narwaria Ankur Sharma Mainul Haque Santosh Kumar Nandita Sanghani Copyright (c) 2024 Arya Singh, Susmita Sinha, Rahnuma Ahmad, Md Ahsanul Haq, Mahendra Narwaria, Ankur Sharma, Mainul Haque, Santosh Kumar, Nandita Sanghani 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 327 336 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72141 Immediate effects of 850 nm Diode Laser on patients with Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome: a Randomized-controlled trial <p><strong>Objectives </strong>&nbsp;Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is one of the most common causes of chronic neck pain. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a physical therapy modality that can be used to reduce pain and improve function of patients with MPS. The aim of this study was to assess and evaluate the effects of LLLT added to the conventional physical therapy in comparison with the conventional physical therapy alone on pain intensity, pressure pain threshold (PPT) and cervical range of motion (ROM) in cervical MPS patients.</p> <p><strong>Methods and Materials </strong>&nbsp;Twenty-four adults diagnosed with cervical MPS according to Travell and Simons’ criteria were randomized into 2 equal groups; Group A: receive LLLT on upper trapezius trigger points with conventional physical therapy, while Group B: receive conventional physical therapy alone. Measured outcomes were pain, PPT and cervical flexion and extension ROM, using Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), Algometer and Goniometer, respectively. Outcomes were measured pre-treatment and immediately post-treatment.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion </strong>&nbsp;A significant improvement in the pain, PPT and cervical flexion and extension were observed in all groups after treatment, compared to the pre-treatment values (<em>P </em>&lt; .05). However, there was no significant difference between the study groups post treatment for all measured outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>&nbsp;Low-level laser therapy is not considered a beneficial extension to the standard conventional therapy on active MPS as it didn’t add to the immediate effect of conventional physical therapy on pain, PPT and ROM in patients with cervical MPS.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 337-344</p> Ahmed Ali Zahreldin Ali Mahmoud S ElBasiouny Mona Ibrahim Morsy Hagar S Abouamra Shorouk Elshennawy Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmed Ali Zahreldin Ali, Mahmoud S ElBasiouny, Mona Ibrahim Morsy, Hagar S Abouamra, Shorouk Elshennawy 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 337 344 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72142 Biases and Reluctances Causing Cancer Patients in Dilemma for COVID-19 Vaccination <p><strong>Background </strong>&nbsp;We have planned this study to determine opinions of this patient group, who are affected negatively both in physical aspect during the treatment process of cancer and who are fragile and sensitive for psycho-social aspects, their opposition level and misimpressions related to vaccine and for eliminating these reluctances if possible.</p> <p><strong>Methods </strong>&nbsp;Between February 2021 and 15 April 2021, all cancer patients applying to our oncology clinic have been first asked to fill in the questionnaire, which includes three articles where suggestions expressing their attitude towards vaccination were asked and subsequently nine articles expressing suggestions about vaccine opposition</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>&nbsp;According to responses to a decision for vaccination, we have learned that 446 (79,6%) patients thought to have the Covid-19 vaccine, 62 (11.1%) were hesitant, and 52 (9.3%) did not think to have a vaccine.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions </strong>&nbsp;The most critical data obtained from this study is that there were severe biases related to adverse effects due to vaccines, although patients have a positive attitude about vaccination. The most important task of health authorities should be to eliminate reluctance without waiting for patients to take a more negative attitude on this subject.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 345-354</p> Ferhat Ekinci Atike Pınar ERDOĞAN Gamze Göksel Copyright (c) 2024 Ferhat Ekinci, Atike Pınar ERDOĞAN, Gamze Göksel 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 345 354 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72143 Side effects of COVID-19 vaccination in Pakistani population: A cross sectional study <p><strong>Objectives </strong> Data from clinical trials around the world show that the COVID-19 vaccines are effective in terms of reducing hospitalization need for respiratory support and deaths. However, to assess common or uncommon adverse events of the COVID-19 vaccines, data from real world experiences need to be evaluated to resolve the speculations associated with the vaccines.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods </strong> A questionnaire based on demographic details, vaccination details, side effects experienced, the duration of side effects and COVID-19 status was administered to study participants during this cross-sectional study.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion </strong> A total of 1162 responses were collected from fully vaccinated individuals, where Sinovac was the highly administered vaccine (40%). Most of the vaccinated participants (94%) did not contract SARS-CoV-2 infection following vaccination; however, the rate of hospitalization (4.2%) and development of extreme complications (1.4%) was lower in those who contracted the disease after vaccination compared to those who contracted COVID-19 before being fully vaccinated (7.1%). The most frequent side effects of vaccination reported were moderate pain at the site of injection administration, muscle pain, headache, fever, fatigue, swelling, redness or pain at the site of injection, nausea and joint pain. Only 2% of the participants encountered extreme daily routine difficulties while most of the side effects resolved within one week (30%)<strong>. <em>Conclusion: </em></strong>The present study reports mild post vaccination side effects and low incidence of SARS-CoV-2 following COVID-19 vaccination. These results may help in improving the public perception and confidence towards COVID-19 vaccination in the Pakistani population.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 355-367</p> Quratul Ain Madeeha Khan Aleena Afrah Zainab Akmal Sadia Javed Amjad Nawaz Mohammad Iqbal Khan Fouzia Sadiq Copyright (c) 2024 Quratul Ain, Madeeha Khan, Aleena Afrah, Zainab Akmal, Sadia Javed, Amjad Nawaz, Mohammad Iqbal Khan, Fouzia Sadiq 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 355 367 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.66233 The development of speed and speed-strength qualities in shortdistance runners in complicated training conditions <p><strong>Background </strong>&nbsp;The problem of developing the speed of movement and speed-strength qualities of sprinters can be solved by applying special exercises in artificially difficult training conditions.</p> <p><strong>The purpose of the study </strong>&nbsp;is to explore the possibilities of using special training tools, in particular running in artificially difficult conditions at the stage of special physical training of sprinters of mass categories.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods: </strong>&nbsp;The study involved young men aged 17-19 years old in the number of 28 people who were engaged in sprint running in the athletics section at the sports school of the Olympic reserve of the city of Kirov (Russia). The pedagogical experiment began on November 5, 2022 and ended on May 24, 2023. By the method of random sampling, all athletes were differentiated into a control group that practiced according to the standard methodology for training sprinters in natural conditions of difficulty and an experimental group in which sprinters practiced in artificially created conditions of difficulty. When processing the results of the study, the Student’s T-test was used.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>&nbsp;After the end of the pedagogical experiment, the indicators in both groups improved. The sprinters from the control group had higher scores from 1% to 3% in all tests (p&gt;0.05). In the athletes from the experimental group, from the beginning to the end of the study, the indicators improved from 4.5% to 5.9% on all tests (p&lt;0.05). This proves the effectiveness of using a set of exercises and load components in working with athletes in artificially created difficult exercise conditions.</p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion</em>: </strong>If you use a special set of exercises in artificially created difficult conditions when working with sprinters aged 17-19, then the indicators of speed and strength abilities and speed of movement will significantly improve in comparison with athletes who train in natural conditions of difficulty.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 368-376</p> Polevoy G G Copyright (c) 2024 Polevoy G G 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 368 376 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72147 Evaluation of Health Literacy and COVID-19 Knowledge Levels of Candidate Soldiers: A Cross-sectional Study from Ankara, Turkey <p>people’s COVID-19 knowledge and HL levels are thought to be effective in managing the pandemic. This study aimed to evaluate candidate soldiers’ HL and COVID-19 knowledge levels in the Altındağ district of Ankara, Turkey.</p> <p><strong>Material and Methods </strong>&nbsp;A questionnaire form containing socio-demographic characteristics, 16-item European HL Survey Questionnaire, and propositions about COVID-19 was applied to candidate soldiers Who were referred for COVID-19 PCR sampling to the Altindg District Health Directorate before enlistment between December 2021_April 2022.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion </strong>&nbsp;The study was completed with 668 candidate soldiers, most of whom were young adults. HL level of 20.5% was inadequate. The frequency of those who had not been vaccinated against COVID-19 was 16.8%. The COVID-19 knowledge level of those vaccinated was higher (p=0.002). The propositions about COVID-19 symptoms and correct mask use were answered correctly at the highest rate in COVID-19 knowledge level questions. The COVID-19 knowledge level score was significantly higher in those with adequate HL levels, aged 25 and over, non-smokers, and who had university or higher education levels. There was a positive correlation between the COVID-19 knowledge level and HL levels (r=0.108; p&lt;0.001).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>&nbsp;This study reveals the determination of HL and COVID-19 knowledge levels of candidate soldiers and related factors and supports the necessity of proactive participation of individuals with immediate action plans to increase HL and COVID-19 knowledge levels in young adults.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page: 377-387</p> Hüsna SARICA ÇEVİK Gülsüm ÖZTÜRK EMİRAL Abide AKSUNGUR Yunus Emre BULUT Hamit Harun BAĞCI Nuran İÇÖZ KILIÇARSLAN Emrah EMİRAL Copyright (c) 2024 Hüsna SARICA ÇEVİK, Gülsüm ÖZTÜRK EMİRAL, Abide AKSUNGUR, Yunus Emre BULUT, Hamit Harun BAĞCI, Nuran İÇÖZ KILIÇARSLAN, Emrah EMİRAL 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 377 387 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72148 Neuron-specific enolase level research in children with COVID-19 <p><strong>Introduction </strong> COVID-19 is a relevant issue for scientists around the world. Considering the development of numerous complications due to COVID-19, the search for diagnostic approaches for the timely detection of probable lesions of the nervous system is urgent.</p> <p><strong>Objectives </strong> was to determine the diagnostic and prognostic value of the NSE marker in children with COVID-19 regarding the complicated course and symptoms of nervous system damage.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods </strong> We conducted a cohort, observational, retrospective study involving 88 children aged 1 month to 18 years with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 by PCR. Blood serum was collected for the study to assess the level of the neurobiomarker NSE by enzyme immunoassay. We divided patients into two cohorts according to the course of the disease - the main one, which included 42 patients with a complicated course of COVID-19, and a control group - 46 patients with an uncomplicated course of the disease. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the hospital. <strong><em>Results: </em></strong>In the patients of the control group, NSE was observed at the level of 12.1±1.2 μg/l, while in the children of the main one, the indicator reached 16.9±1.5 μg/l (p=0.087). Increase in the level of NSE above 15 μg/L associated with a significant increase in the risk of the appearance of clinical symptoms of damage to the nervous system and a complicated course in children with COVID-19 (p&lt;0.05). We noted a tendency towards an increase in NSE with increased ESR indicators &gt;10mm/h (p&lt;0.1), a decrease in PTI &lt;85% (p=0,03) and an increase in D-dimer &gt;2.5mg/l (p&lt;0.1).</p> <p><strong>Conclusions </strong> We found the diagnostic and prognostic value of the NSE marker in children with COVID-19 regarding the complicated course and symptoms of nervous system damage.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 388-397</p> Iryna Seriakova Sergiy Kramarov Vitalii Yevtushenko Nataliia Kyrytsia Valerii Shadrin Oleksandr Voronov Vitalii Byk Inna Grynevych Hanna Zaslavska Antonina Zlobynets Copyright (c) 2024 Iryna Seriakova, Sergiy Kramarov , Vitalii Yevtushenko , Nataliia Kyrytsia , Valerii Shadrin , Oleksandr Voronov , Vitalii Byk , Inna Grynevych, Hanna Zaslavska, Antonina Zlobynets 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 388 397 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.67164 Comparison of the Effects of Nettle and Alyssum with Q10 Plus and L-Carnitine on Improving Sperm Parameters of Infertile Men <p><strong>Background </strong>Infertility is one of the most stressful and complicated experiences in a couple’s life.</p> <p><strong>Objective </strong>The aim of this study was comparing the effects of Nettle and Alyssum with Q10 plus and L-Carnitine on improving the sperm parameters of infertile men in Iran.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods </strong>This three-blind randomized clinical trial study conducted on 75 infertile men referred to Jahrom infertility clinic in 2022. The participants selected by simple random method and assigned to two intervention and control groups. The subjects of the intervention group took herbal drugs includes urtidine (Nettle) and Alyssum. The control group took routine treatment consists Q10 plus and l-carnitine for 12 weeks. Data collected through the standard checklist of semen analysis before and the end of the intervention for both groups. Data were analyzed by descriptive (frequency and percentage) and analytical (Fisher-exact, chisquare, independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U) tests.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>The results indicated that the positive effectiveness of Nettle and Alyssum on the improvement of some sperm parameters of infertile men, including volume, sperm shape and motility compared to Q10 plus and L-carnitine. In fact, after the intervention, a statistically significant difference observed in the parameters of sperm in in the intervention group compared to the control group (p&lt;0/05).</p> <p><strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong><em>: </em>consumption of Nettle and Alyssum improves semen volume, sperm motility and morphology in infertile men. Considering the positive effect of herbal remedies on the spermogram of infertile men, the results of this research along with further studies can use in infertility clinics.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 398-406</p> Kargar Jahromi Mahnaz Rasekh Jahromi Athar Kargar Jahromi Marzieh Loripoor Marzeyeh Copyright (c) 2024 Kargar Jahromi Mahnaz, Rasekh Jahromi Athar, Kargar Jahromi Marzieh, Loripoor Marzeyeh 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 398 406 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72153 Components of the metabolic syndrome: abdominal obesity and arterial hypertension in the context of the risk of oncological pathology <p><strong>Introduction </strong>Metabolic syndrome (MS) is the most important risk factor for cancer, although the full relationship between MS and cancer remains far from resolved. A number of studies have been conducted that indicate a certain connection between hormonal and inflammatory changes in adipose tissue and cancer.</p> <p><strong>Objectives </strong>The aim of the paper was to study was to investigate the incidence of cancer in patients with MS lasting more than 10 years, and the degree of dependence on its components: abdominal obesity (AO) and arterial hypertension (AH).</p> <p><strong>Methods </strong>For comparison by the same parameters data from patients without MS were analyzed. The crosstabulation method was used to estimate the odds ratio (OR) of carcinogenesis and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI).</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>It was found that in patients with a duration of MS of 13.5±2.41 years, the initiation of oncological diseases was observed in every fifth participant, while in the absence of MS in every fourteenth patient.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>AO is associated with an increased risk of developing hypertension, and both of these conditions are associated with an increased risk of cancer of various localization. The greatest risk was found in MS with grade I obesity in combination with hypertension, as well as with the patient’s age.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 407-417</p> Mikhail A Osadchuk Olga I Mitrokhina Maxim V Trushin Inna N Vasileva Copyright (c) 2024 Mikhail A Osadchuk, Olga I Mitrokhina, Maxim V Trushin, Inna N Vasileva 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 407 417 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72164 Perceptions of Women in Turkey on the Concepts of “Caesarean Section” and “Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section”: A Metaphor Analysis <p><strong>Background </strong>Determining how women make sense of their birth preferences with metaphor analysis will be an important step in determining perceptions about birth options.</p> <p><strong>Objective </strong>The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of women who had cesarean section regarding the concept of “cesarean birth” and “Vaginal birth after cesarean section” with metaphor analysis.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods: </strong>This study is a qualitative research based on the philosophy of Husserl’s phenomenology, which was carried out between June and November 2022. Within the scope of the research, 50 women who had a cesarean section were interviewed face to face. The metaphor form prepared in line with the international literature was used to determine women’s perceptions of the concept of “Cesarean section” and “Vaginal birth after cesarean section”.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>25 metaphors for cesarean birth and 28 metaphors for vaginal birth after caesarean section were identified. Considering the common features and analogy aspects of the metaphors obtained, three themes were determined within the scope of cesarean section and vaginal birth after caesarean section.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions </strong>This study took a unique approach to revealing women’s birth experiences and perceptions. Vaginal birth after caesarean section is a very valuable birth method for women who have had a cesarean section and are curious about the feeling of vaginal birth.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 418-428</p> Nazlı Ünlü Bıdık Esin Çeber Turfan Copyright (c) 2024 Nazlı ÜNLÜ BIDIK, Esin CEBER Turfan 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 418 428 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72155 Inter-Rater Judgement analysis for Item Selection in the Development of the Questionnaire to Determine Mizaij-i-Insani <p><strong>Background and objective </strong><em>Mizaj</em>is one of the basic concepts of the <em>Unani </em>system of medicine upon which diagnosis and line of treatment of disease are based. According to Unani medicine, each person has uniquely <em>Mizāj </em>recognized by physiological, psychological, and therapeutic features. <em>Mizāj </em>plays an essential role in the diagnosis and treatment of disease as well. Unani scholars describe several parameters for <em>Mizaj </em>assessment. Some relate to the structure, and others to the functions. Due to the lack of scientific validation, no standard method or tool is available to determine<em>Mizāj </em>in conducting research and in medical practice. The objective of the present study is to develop a practical tool in the form of a questionnaire for the determination of individual <em>Mizāj </em>on the human body, so based on a thorough literature scan about <em>Mizaj</em>, items of the questionnaire were framed, and the inter-rater judgment analysis was carried out to validate the items.</p> <p><strong>Methods </strong>Survey of available literature, especially classical Unani books, journals, theses, dissertations, etc.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>The result was evolved based on the questionnaire for assessing <em>Mizāj-i-insani</em>. The questionnaire was evaluated by ten experts in Unani medicine, and their marks were set; the data analysis showed significant agreement in selecting one of the items in respect of the determination of <em>Mizāj-i-insani</em>.</p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong>The questionnaire formulated based on available literature in Unani medicine consists of items for which there was substantial agreement between the experts for item validation.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 429-437</p> Abdul Malik Wasim Ahmad Ghulamuddin Sofi Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Malik, Wasim Ahmad, Ghulamuddin Sofi 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 429 437 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72165 Do demographic and obstetric characteristics affect fetal health locus of control among high-risk pregnancies? A Turkish sample <p><strong>Objectives </strong>Fetal health locus of control has been indicated to effect how mothers approach their health beliefs and health-related decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine the fetal health locus of control (FHLC) level in high-risk pregnancies and to evaluate the factors affecting FHLC in high-risk pregnancies.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods </strong>The descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with highrisk pregnant women. A total of 221 participants were included.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion </strong>It was shown that The Internality Locus of Control was low and The Chance-Based Locus of Control was high in high-risk pregnant women. The current age of women and the age of their first pregnancy had a positively relationship with Powerful Others Locus of Control (FHLC-P). Although FHLC scores of multigravidas were higher than primiparous, no significant difference was found. Besides, there was a significantly higher FHLC-C score in women who did not change their exercise habits during pregnancy (p=0.008). Although the FHLC-I score was higher in women, who made changes in nutrition habits, it was determined that it was not significant.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>The results of fetal health locus of control in high-risk pregnancies will lead to women who have high-risk pregnancies taking responsibility for adapting to the treatment process, taking into account the controls and making lifestyle changes, rather than leaving the situation to fate.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 438-446</p> Nuran Nur Aypar Akbağ Merlinda Aluş Tokat Sevcan Özöztürk Günseli Uğur Copyright (c) 2024 Nuran Nur Aypar Akbağ, Merlinda Alus Tokat, Sevcan Ozozturk, Gunseli Ugur 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 438 446 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.62742 The Relationship Between Anxiety and Adverse Events During Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Cancer Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study <p><strong>Objective </strong>Anxiety, negatively affects the response to transplantation and the recovery process after transplantation. Anxiety prevalence is high pre and post transplantation but no information is known about during transplantation. This study was conducted to determine anxiety and adverse events during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and to explain the association between these two conditions.</p> <p><strong>Methods </strong>The sample consisted of 93 patients with cancer who received hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at the Bone Marrow Transplant Centre in Türkiye. The data were collected using a patient information form and the State Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S). Significance between the descriptive characteristics of the participants and the scale was calculated using a one-way ANOVA and Student-T test. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the effect of adverse events on the level of anxiety.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>We found that there was a significant difference between the variables of age (F = 2.497 <em>p </em>= 0.020), gender, years after diagnosis (F= 1.381 <em>p </em>= 0.035), the state of believing that transplant will be successful and previous transplant history, and the STAI-S mean score. The Nagelkerke R2 value of the model was 0.167. The goodness of fit of the model was assessed using Hosmer and Lemeshow’s test (X2 = 8.900, <em>p </em>= 0.203). When analyzing the adverse events during HSCT that affected the occurrence of anxiety, we found that nausea and vomiting increased the anxiety score by 6.1-fold (<em>β</em>: 0.613, <em>p </em>= 0.010), abdominal pain by 4.4-fold (<em>β</em>: 0.449, <em>p </em>= 0.030), and tachycardia by 2.6-fold (<em>β</em>: 0.267, <em>p </em>= 0.020).</p> <p><strong>Conclusions </strong>The results of this study showed that patients experienced nausea and vomiting, hypertension and abdominal pain during stem cell transplantation, respectively; anxiety level was above the moderate level; nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and palpitations increased anxiety. Preventing anxiety during stem cell transplant can reduce adverse effects depend on HSCT.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 447-454</p> Nuriye EFE ERTÜRK Tuğba MENEKLİ Copyright (c) 2024 Nuriye EFE ERTÜRK, Tuğba MENEKLİ 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 447 454 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72166 Pregnancy outcomes with undescended testis husbands: influenced by wive’s life style and surgical correction before 1 year <p><strong>Background </strong>The most prevalent sexual differentiation disorder in males is undescended testis (UDT), which occurs when the testis is absent from the scrotum or cannot be brought down during a physical examination. Pregnancy outcome may be influenced by the wife’s lifestyle and surgical correction within the past year</p> <p><strong>Objectives </strong>This study aims to determine pregnancy outcome in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) on a wive with a UDT husband assessed by the wive’s life style and surgery correction before 1 year.</p> <p><strong>Methods </strong>A cross-sectional study was conducted. Data were taken from patients who underwent Assisted Reproductive Technology at AMC Hospital, Yogyakarta. Data collection from 2018 to 2021. Samples in the unilateral and bilateral groups were 20 husbands. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test helped carry out the analyses.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>There was an association between infertility and UDT either unilaterally or bilaterally (p = 0.009). Most UDT husbands had a BMI in the overweight category and the average age was 28 and 29. Other factors such as the wive’s life style and surgery correction before 1 year , including smoking habit, alcohol consumption, addictive drug and hormonal drug, had no significant effect on the success of pregnancy outcome (p &gt; 0.05).</p> <p><strong>Conclusions </strong>Although pregnancy outcome in unilateral and bilateral UDT patients was not statistically significant, clinically, the pregnancy outcome was better in husbands with unilateral UDT by IUI than in IVF.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 455-462</p> Supriyatiningsih Wenang Lidia Febrianti Prahara Yuri Arlina Dewi Dicky Moch Rizal Ralph J Lelle Copyright (c) 2024 Supriyatiningsih Wenang, Lidia Febrianti, Prahara Yuri, Arlina Dewi, Dicky Moch Rizal, Ralph J Lelle 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 455 462 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72172 Effect of spiritual health in the quality of nursing care for patients with covid-19 <p><strong>Introduction </strong>Nurses played an important role in nursing services to infected patients in the covid-19 pandemic and considering the unknown nature of the virus and the shock of the pandemic, its psychological aspects have been less investigated. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate effect of spiritual health on the quality of nursing care for patients with covid-19.</p> <p><strong>Methods </strong>The present study was done in a cross-sectional-analytical method in the Covid departments of Peymaniye Hospital in Jahrom city in 2021. Sampling was done by census method among the nurses working in the care departments of patients with covid-19. If any nurse suffered from any psychological disorder(s) or didn’t fill in the questionnaire completely, she was classified as exclusion criteria. Demographic form, spiritual health and quality of nursing care questionnaires (QUALPAC= Quality Patient Care Scale) were used to collect necessary data and the findings were analyzed by SPSS version 21.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>The spiritual health score average of the employed nurses was 92.68±15.98. Based on the leveling of the questionnaire, the level of spiritual health of the majority of nurses was at a mean level (60.8%). Also, the findings of the Spearman test indicated that there is a significant relation between spiritual health and the quality of nursing care (r=0.44, P&lt;0.0001).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>Considering the relation between spiritual health and the quality of nursing care, it is recommended that spiritual health services be integrated in the provision of general treatment and care in all hospitals of the country and personnel training should be taken into consideration, too.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 463-470</p> Tahereh Abdian Zahra Rahimi Zahra Shadfard Hamidreza Dowlatkhah Ali Mardaneh Copyright (c) 2024 Tahereh Abdian, Zahra Rahimi, Zahra Shadfard, Hamidreza Dowlatkhah, Ali Mardaneh 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 463 470 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72173 Educational influence on women’s colour perception: C1 eventrelated component analysis <p><strong>Objective </strong>This study aimed to investigate colour perception in women from different educational groups using an event-related potential (ERP) analysis to examine the influence of education on colour processing among women.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods </strong>Twenty-four age-matched women, from high-, medium-, and low-education groups (n = 8 in each group), were recruited in this study. 128-ERP net was used for the ERP study. All women presented their like or dislike for a particular colour by pressing button ‘1’ or ‘2’, respectively. Nine electrodes were chosen to analyse the amplitudes and latencies of the C1 ERP component.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion </strong>We found no significant differences in the amplitudes and latencies of the C1 ERP component between groups. A smaller amplitude of the C1 component indicated good perceptual learning, and no significant change indicated spatial or featurebased neutral stimuli. In this study, no significant change in the C1 amplitude was found, and we inferred that education did not influence colour processing, as colour was possibly a featurebased neutral stimulus for women. <strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong>Education did not influence colour perception in women.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 471-475</p> Mohammed Fatin Raid Tahamina Begum Mohammed Faruque Reza Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammed Fatin Raid, Tahamina Begum, Mohammed Faruque Reza 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 471 475 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72175 Self-care behavior mediates the relationship between health literacy and blood pressure in older adults with hypertension <p><strong>Objective </strong>To test the mediating role of self-care behavior in the relationship between health literacy and BP control in older adults with hypertension.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods </strong>A cross-sectional study design was used. We enrolled 220 older adult patients with hypertension at one teaching hospital in Vietnam. Logistic regression and linear regression were conducted to test the mediation effect of self-care behavior in the relationship between health literacy and BP control.</p> <p><strong>Results and discussion </strong>Self-care behavior mediated the relationship between health literacy and BP control. The significant coefficient of path a (β = 0.019, p &lt; .001), and path c (β = -0.054, p &lt; .001) suggested a significant effect of health literacy on self-care behavior, and a significant total effect of health literacy on BP control, while the non-significant coefficient of path b (β = -0.012, p = .577) suggested a non-significant effect of self-care behavior on BP control. Additionally, the significant coefficient of path c’ (β = -0.053, p &lt; .001) suggested a mediation model, that is, self-care behavior mediated the relationship between health literacy and BP control.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>Self-care behavior is observed as a mediating factor in the relationship between health literacy and blood pressure (BP) control among older adults with hypertension in Vietnam.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 476-483</p> Tran Quang Huy Nguyen Thi Nguyet Nguyen Minh Nguyet Pham Van Truong Copyright (c) 2024 Tran Quang Huy, Nguyen Thi Nguyet, Nguyen Minh Nguyet, Pham Van Truong 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 476 483 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72176 Salivary tumour necrosis factor-alpha as a diagnostic marker of desquamative gingivitis <p><strong>Background </strong>Desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a non-plaque induced gingival disease. Clinical examination coupled with histopathological and immunofluorescence studies diagnose it, however, diagnosis of about one-third of DG cases is still elusive which leads to poor clinical outcomes. Therefore, biomarker profiling of DG will help in predicting better treatment outcomes. The objective of the study was to evaluate the salivary TNF-α as a biomarker of DG and compare it with chronic gingivitis (CG) and clinically healthy (CH) subjects.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods </strong>A case-control study was done with 94 subjects having; DG (n=31), chronic gingivitis CG (n=31), and clinically healthy CH (n=32) were recruited in the study after they fulfilled subject selection criteria and signed the consent form. Detailed history and clinical examination were done. Subjects were told to abstain from eating 2 hours before saliva collection. Three ml of saliva was collected in the saliva collection tubes between 9 AM to 12 PM. The collected samples were stored at -80 centigrade and TNF-α levels were assessed employing an ELISA technique (R&amp;D systems). The data were analyzed using SPSS (Version 20, IBM, USA) statistical software.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>Salivary TNF-α levels were significantly increased in DG (33.71±12.15 pg/ml,) as compared to CH (5.99±2.11) and CG (13.48±1.16 pg/ml) subjects. The receiver operating curve (ROC) of DG for salivary TNF-α biomarker showed an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.973.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>Salivary TNF-α is a good diagnostic biomarker that is significantly increased in desquamative gingivitis.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 484-490</p> Saif Khan Afshan Bey Pankaj Bansal Shagufta Moin Syed Ziaur Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Saif Khan, Afshan Bey, Pankaj Bansal, Shagufta Moin, Syed Ziaur Rahman 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 484 490 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72184 Assessment of attentional disorders in school-aged children with visual impairment in the province of Kenitra <p><strong>Background </strong>Attention deficit disorder refers to a neurodevelopmental disorder that has attracted great interest in recent decades with a prevalence of about 5% of children according to the DSM V. The vision constitutes “the modality of knowledge” since this meaning, primitive, offers perceptual experiences at the origin of the development of the first cognitive acquisitions. However, the repercussions of a disorder affecting vision are significant as to the. It is therefore important to distinguish it from an intellectual development disorder.</p> <p><strong>Aims and Methods </strong>This study is intended to be descriptive and analytical. It aims to highlight the attention deficit in visually impaired children enrolled in the first year of primary school. Based on 6732 children, 1761 have a vision of less than 7/10, and only 85% of them benefit from automatic refraction at the optical unit, or 1497 children. Three devices were thus used: the test of entangled figures, the observation grid and the test of the two Zazzo dams. These devices make it possible to detect deficits in the attention and concentration of visually impaired students in school in relation to the decline in their level of visual acuity. The latter leads to attentional disorders resulting in concentration defects and distractibility. This decrease in attention occurs in proportion to that of visual acuity in visually impaired children.</p> <p><strong>Results &amp; Conclusion </strong>One of the major interests in assessing attention deficit in children with visual impairments is the development of a compulsory childcare programfor pre-school child and an educational awareness plan for parents.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 491-497</p> Badreddine Dahou Ahmed Omar Touhami Ahami Rabea Ziri Copyright (c) 2024 Badreddine Dahou, Ahmed Omar Touhami Ahami, Rabea Ziri 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 491 497 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72180 Computational statistical modelling for parameters optimization of LDL-cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes <p><strong>Introduction </strong>LDL is the acronym used to denote low-density lipoproteins. When the level of LDL is high, it leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, and as a result, it is commonly known as “bad” cholesterol. Recognizing the significance, a study is conducted on computational and statistical modelling for parameter optimization of LDL-cholesterol levels. In recent years, there has been an increase in the application of precise statistical analysis methodologies. Consequently, scientists are more focused on producing reliable results and are more determined to provide credible findings.</p> <p><strong>Objective </strong>This study aims to develop and validate a proposed hybrid method that combines Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network (MLFFNN), and Multiple Linear Model (MLR) and to present the R-syntax applications of the proposed hybrid method with clinical study data.</p> <p><strong>Material and Methods </strong>The proposed hybrid model will be built using the generalized mixture model, which is formulated using an MLFFNN framework and Linear Model (LM). The performance of the hybrid model will be assessed utilizing the predicted mean square error neural network ( and the predicted mean square error (P.MSE), which will serve as a benchmark for precision and efficacy.</p> <p><strong><em>Results: </em></strong>The result indicates that hybrid method modelling is superior, with the highest R-squared value and the lowest value. The hybrid model technique was found to produce a more precise forecast of the outcome when the data is separated into training and testing datasets. The R-square score in this report demonstrates that the LM model is a good fit (84.97%), and the value of 0.00529 indicates that the model is both accurate and predictive.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The research concludes that the hybrid model method proposed is preferable. This critical conclusion helps us comprehend the hybrid method’s proportional contribution to this illustration’s result.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 498-506</p> Wan Muhamad Amir W Ahmad Farah Muna Mohamad Ghazali Hazik Bin Shahzad Mohamad Nasarudin Adnan Nor Azlida Aleng Copyright (c) 2024 Wan Muhamad Amir W Ahmad, Farah Muna Mohamad Ghazali, Hazik Bin Shahzad, Mohamad Nasarudin Adnan, Nor Azlida Aleng 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 498 506 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72191 Development of coordination abilities in children aged 9-10 years with a diagnosis of myopia <p><strong>Objective </strong>The objective is to increase the level of coordination abilities of schoolchildren diagnosed with myopia.</p> <p><strong>Methods </strong>The study was conducted in the period from September 2022 to June 2023 at secondary school number 13 in the Kirov region. A group (n=21) of 4th grade students was formed to conduct a pedagogical experiment. These are boys and girls aged 10-11 years with a mild degree of myopia (up to 3 diopters) – myopia of the first degree. The level of development of coordination abilities was determined by a 3x10 meter Shuttle run, a long jump from a place with the right and left sides, Balance on 1 leg and Dynamic coordination of movements. The Student’s T-Test was the main method of mathematical statistics.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>After the end of the pedagogical experiment, the performance of children from the experimental group improved in all indicators. In the shuttle run test, the indicators became higher from 9.36±0.16 to 8.72±0.09 (p&lt;0.05), an increase of 6.8%. The long jump with the right side increased by 10.4% (p&lt;0.05), and with the left side by 7.3% (p&lt;0.05). In the balance on one leg test, the indicators became 13.3% higher (p&lt;0.05), and in the dynamic coordination test, the indicators improved from 8.83±0.89 to 10.05±0.16 (p&lt;0.05), the increase in indicators was 13.8%.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>The results obtained allow us to conclude that our proposed method of using general developmental exercises with objects as a means of developing coordination abilities in children 9-10 years old diagnosed with myopia is effective, which is achieved through regular use of exercises in physical education lessons, as well as by stabilizing the course of myopia during the school day.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 507-513</p> Georgiy Georgievich Polevoy Copyright (c) 2024 Georgiy Georgievich Polevoy 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 507 513 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72192 Right anterior minithoracotomy with preservation of the vascular bundle for correction of congenital ventricular septal defects <p><strong>Introduction </strong>Congenital VSDs require early correction to avoid serious complications. For many years, the gold standard was the median longitudinal sternotomy, but given the gross cosmetic effect, miniapproaches were developed, but right anterior mini-thoracotomies gained popularity. We modified the method of anterior right-sided minithorcatomy by preserving a. et v. mammaria interna and the purpose of the study was to evaluate its effectiveness.</p> <p><strong>Material and Methods </strong>The design of the study was prospective with historical control. A total of 82 patients who underwent VSD correction were included in the study. All patients were divided into three groups: group 1 operated by median sternotomy (MS) – 15 patients; Group 2 operated by right anterior minithoracotomy (RAMT) – 38 patients; and the 3rd main group operated on by right antero-lateral thoracotomy (RLMT) with preservation of the artery and vein of the internal mammary artery - 29 patients.</p> <p><strong>Results </strong>We revealed the older age in RAMT group. Cardio pulmonary bypasstime and total operation time were shorter in RLMT group, but the time of aortic cross-clamping is shorter than in RAMT group, but longer than in MS group. The length of the skin incision is also the shortest in RLMT group, which enhances the cosmetic effect. Also there were revealed a shorter mechanical lung ventilation time and ICU stay, moreover we observed reduced amount of drainages, as well as quick discharge home.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>Therefore, improved and modificated right antero-lateral minithoracotomy method with preserving a et v mammaria interna is feasible, has a good cosmetic effect, and short hospitalization stay, but should perform with careful preparation of the entire cardiac team.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 514-520</p> Serzhan Kuramys Berik Bolatbekov Seythan Joshibayev Berikbai Yessenbekov Berikbai Yessenbekov Copyright (c) 2024 Serzhan Kuramys, Berik Bolatbekov, Seythan Joshibayev, Berikbai Yessenbekov, Berikbai Yessenbekov 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 514 520 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72193 Analysis of the Therapeutic Approach to Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis in Morocco: Retrospective Study from 2014 to 2017 <p>In countries like Morocco, drug-sensitive tuberculosis remains a major public health burden. Effective management of this condition is crucial, not only to achieve positive therapeutic outcomes for patients but also to curb its emergence and transmission. This study presents a detailed analysis of the therapeutic approach to drug-sensitive tuberculosis in Morocco. This retrospective study provides an overview of the therapeutic protocol used to treat drug-sensitive tuberculosis. The study examined all tuberculosis patients registered at the Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Diagnostic Center in Kenitra from 2014 to 2017. A total of 5207 tuberculosis cases were recorded, with men comprising the majority of patients (63%) in this group, with a sex ratio of 1.7. The most affected age groups were 15 to 24 years and 25 to 34 years. Urban areas had a representation of 53%. The study revealed that 54% of cases were pulmonary, and extrapulmonary tuberculosis accounted for 46%. There were two main stages to the treatment regimens recommended by the WHO. During the initial phase, 96% of patients received a two-month quadritherapy (for new cases), 3% received a three-month regimen (for retreatment cases), and 2% received a three-drug therapy (for those under 15 years). This phase was followed by a continuation phase (bitherapy) lasting four to ten months. 82% of cases showed positive progression, 13% of patients experienced loss to follow-up, 1% had transfers out, and 2% of patients died. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating patient support, education on treatment, and the use of new technologies to enhance the monitoring and follow-up of tuberculosis patients. These measures could help reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with tuberculosis, contributing to overall health improvement.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 521-526</p> Fadia Bejja Badreddine Dahou Fatiha Aboulhoda Abdelrhani Mokhtari Abdelmajid Soulaymani Copyright (c) 2024 Fadia Bejja, Badreddine Dahou, Fatiha Aboulhoda, Abdelrhani Mokhtari, Abdelmajid Soulaymani 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 521 526 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72194 Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation of Physical Capasity and Quality of Life in Patients After Open Heart Surgery Complicated by Sternomediastinitis <p>The article aims to evaluate safety and effects CR program on physical capacity and QoL in patients after open-heart surgery complicated with sternomediastinitis. This observational cohort study included 104 patients, of them 58 were males and 34 females, who underwent cardiac surgery made by sternotomy. We divided the cohort into two groups: 1st group clustered of 92 patients, who did not have sternomediastinitis complications after the surgery; 2nd group clustered of 12 patients, who had sternomediastinitis complications after the surgery. We assessed following variables: physical capacity using 6-minute walk test (6MWT ) and the metabolic equivalent (MET) and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), QoL using SF36 survey. Statistical analyses were performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics software (version 19). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests were used to check the normality of distributions. Then, the Mann-Whitney U test was performed to compare not normally distributed independent variables, in order to see the difference (significance level was accepted at p&lt;0.05). After that, the Pearson’s two tailed correlation test was used to find the connection between variables of two groups. Properly selected physical exercises during CR improve the fitness and physical activity of patients after sternomediastinitis, as well as, QoL mesures - general health and mental status.</p> <p>Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 23 No. 02 April’24 Page : 527-538</p> Berik Bolatbekov Moldir Baibolova Tilektes Maulenkul Amirkhan Baimagambetov Nurlan Zhanabayev Gulmira Kudaiberdieva Copyright (c) 2024 Berik Bolatbekov, Moldir Baibolova, Tilektes Maulenkul, Amirkhan Baimagambetov, Nurlan Zhanabayev, Gulmira Kudaiberdieva 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 23 2 527 538 10.3329/bjms.v23i2.72195