Prevention of angiogenesis by Teucrium stocksianum

Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology News | Feature | 17 June 2016

Summary: T. stocksianum showed anti-angiogenic effect by reducing the diameter of chorioallantoic membrane blood vessels in egg.

Source: University of Sargodha

The growth of tumor cells can be prevented by inhibition of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the process of formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels. Many in vitro (endothelial cells migration assay, endothelial cells proliferation assay and tube formation assay) and in vivo [corneal angiogenesis assay and chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay] methods are adapted to assess the anti-angiogenic effect.

Recently a group of Pakistani researchers have shown that the extract of Teucrium stocksianum can inhibit the angiogenesis by reducing the diameter of chorioallantoic membrane of blood vessels in egg. This result is published in a recent issue of Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology.

Identification of active component is necessary that could be used as an adjuvant therapy with other anti-neoplastic drugs to inhibit tumor growth and metastasis.

Photograph: Changes in the diameter of chorioallantoic membrane blood vessels in egg by the extract of T. stocksianum

