Effect of ethanolic seed extract of Croton penduliflorous Hutch. on loperamide-induced constipated male rats


  • Anofi Omotayo Tom Ashafa Department of Plant Sciences, University of the Free State, QwaQwa campus, Phuthaditjhaba
  • Musa Toyin Yakubu Phytomedicine, Toxicology and Reproductive Biochemistry Research Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, University of Ilorin, Ilorin
  • Abdul-Azeez Adeola Ogbe Department of Botany, Lagos State University, Ojo Campus, Lagos
  • Aishat Abidemi Abass Department of Botany, Lagos State University, Ojo Campus, Lagos




Constipation, Croton penduliflorous, Euphorbiaceae, Laxative, Loperamide


The laxative effect of ethanolic seed extract of Croton penduliflorous was evaluated in loperamide-induced constipated male rats on daily basis for 7 days. The loperamide significantly (p<0.05) reduced the feed and water intake and the fecal parameters (number, water content and weight). The feed and water intake, number, water content and weight of fecal pellets were significantly reduced in both the constipated and 200 mg/kg body weight treated animals whereas these parameters increased in the 50 mg/kg body weight. The extract at 100 mg/kg body weight produced values that compared with the unconstipated and senokot-treated animals. The body weight was not significantly altered in the 50, 100 and senokot-treated group whereas it was increased significantly in the constipated animals. The GIT ratio decreased in both the loperamide and 200 mg/kg body weight of the extract whereas the ratio at the 50 and 100 mg/kg body weight of the extract compared well with control animals. Overall, the ethanolic seed extract of C. penduliflorous produced a profound laxative activity against loperamide-induced constipated rats.


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How to Cite

Ashafa, Anofi Omotayo Tom, et al. “Effect of Ethanolic Seed Extract of Croton Penduliflorous Hutch. On Loperamide-Induced Constipated Male Rats”. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 7, no. 1, May 2012, pp. 42-46, doi:10.3329/bjp.v7i1.10120.



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