Antidiabetic activity of giant grass Bambusa tulda


  • Swarna Kamal Dey Centre for Bamboo Studies, Department of Biotechnology, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar 783370, BTAD, Assam
  • Sushil Kumar Middha Department of Biotechnology, Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College For Women, Bengaluru 560012
  • Talambedu Usha Department of Biochemistry, Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College For Women, Bengaluru 560012
  • Birendra Kumar Brahma Centre for Bamboo Studies, Department of Biotechnology, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar 783370, BTAD, Assam
  • Arvind Kumar Goyal Centre for Bamboo Studies, Department of Biotechnology, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar 783370, BTAD, Assam



Bambusa tulda, Diabetic, Giant grass




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How to Cite

Dey, Swarna Kamal, et al. “Antidiabetic Activity of Giant Grass Bambusa Tulda”. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 13, no. 2, Apr. 2018, pp. 134-136, Apr 25, 2018, doi:10.3329/bjp.v13i2.36034.



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