In vitro H1-receptor antagonist activity of methanolic extract of tuber of Stephania glabra


  • Nisar Ahmad Khan Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinigar 190 006, Jammu & Kashmir
  • Dinesh Kumar Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinigar 190 006, Jammu & Kashmir
  • Zulfiqar Ali Bhat Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinigar 190 006, Jammu & Kashmir
  • Vijender Kumar Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinigar 190 006, Jammu & Kashmir
  • Navneet Nagpal BIS College of Pharmacy, Gagra, Moga 142 103 Punjab
  • Santosh S. Bhujbal Padam Shree Dr D Y Patil IPSR, Pimpri 18, Pune



H1-receptor antagonist, Stephania glabra, Guinea pigs ileum, goat tracheal chain preparation


In the present study, methanolic extract of tuber of Stephania glabra was evaluated for H1-bloker activity by employing in vitro screening models of guinea pig ileum and goat tracheal chain preparation. Goat isolated trachea and guinea pig ileum contracted to histamine in a dose-dependent manner while chlorpheniramine blocked this effect. The methanolic extract produced significant dose-dependent H1-receptor antagonist activity by blocking histamine-induced contraction.


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How to Cite

Khan, Nisar Ahmad, et al. “In Vitro H1-Receptor Antagonist Activity of Methanolic Extract of Tuber of Stephania Glabra”. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 5, no. 2, Feb. 2011, pp. 89-91, doi:10.3329/bjp.v5i2.6671.



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