Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics <p>The official publication of the Plant Breeding and Genetics Society of Bangladesh (PBGSB).</p><p>Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics is now accepting online submissions. Please <a title="register" href="/index.php/BJPBG/user/register" target="_self">register</a> and select the author role to follow the 5 step submission process.</p> en-US <p>Copyright on any research article in the Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics is retained by the author(s).</p><p>The authors grant Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.</p><p>Articles in the Bangladesh Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics are Open Access articles published under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY License (<a href=""></a> )</p><p>This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p><p><img src="" alt="" /></p> (Prof. Dr. Md. Shahidur Rashid Bhuiyan) (Md Fahmid Uddin Khondoker) Wed, 02 May 2018 17:37:12 +0000 OJS 60 INTER-SIMPLE SEQUENCE REPEAT ANALYSIS AND ALLELIC DIVERSITY AMONG GENOTYPES OF CULTIVATED Digitaria species Acha (<em>Digitaria exilis </em>Kipps. and<em> D. iburua</em> Stapf.) are valuable indigenous food crops in West Africa, but despite several economic potentials of this crop, little or no attention is paid to its germplasm evaluation and improvement. In this study, we assessed genetic diversity and relationship among genotypes of cultivated acha in Nigeria using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers for the first time. Genomic DNA were extracted from the genotypes and we performed fragment amplification by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). A total of 95 loci consisting of 790 bands were amplified by 13 ISSR primers, out of which 53.37% were polymorphic. Loci amplification per primer ranged from 5-10, with an average of 7.30 loci per primer. Eight of the primers had above 50% polymorphism. Cluster analysis separated the genotypes into two major groups; a group consisting of two <em>D. exilis </em>genotypes and the other comprising a mixture of genotypes. The <em>D. exilis </em>in the latter group were distant members and was only similar at 0.72 similarity index. The polymorphism we obtained in the present study showed that the ISSR markers are effective for assessment of genetic diversity of the genotypes. Clustering of <em>D. exilis</em> and <em>D. iburua</em> together suggests a common progenitor but could have been separated by geographical isolation mechanism D. A. Animasaun, K. F. Awujoola, R. Krishnamurthy, J. A. Morakinyo Copyright (c) 2018 D. A. Animasaun, K. F. Awujoola, R. Krishnamurthy, J. A. Morakinyo Wed, 02 May 2018 00:00:00 +0000 MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF COFFEE (Coffea arabica L.) LANDRACES AT SEEDLING STAGE COLLECTED FROM GUJI ZONES The present study was aimed to determine genetic diversity of <em>Coffea arabica</em> landraces based on morphological characteristics at seedling stage in Guji zones. Three kebeles and twenty-five farmers’ coffee landraces were selected based on availability of <em>Coffea arabica</em> landraces from each district by the guidance of Developmental Agency in the kebele. <em>Coffea arabica</em> seeds were collected and planted at kercha nursery sub-site in plastic pots arranged on randomized block design. Seedling characteristics were collected from one year old randomly selected four coffee seedlings from each plot. The results showed that there were significant variations (p&lt;0.05) between and within <em>Coffea arabica</em> landraces of the district. The seedling height of <em>Coffea arabica</em> collected from Didiba local was highest (11.25) followed by Sorile local (11.17) whereas Ebala local was the least. <em>Coffea arabica</em> from Diqisa local (5.25) was the highest for leaf height followed by Didiba local (5.13), Harobora (5.00) and Wacufora local (5.00). Similarly, Wacufora local (2.05) and Didiba local (2.53) were the highest in leaf width. The <em>Coffea arabica</em> landrace of Qaqali local (6.25) and Harobora local (5.75) were the highest in number of paired leaves. Correlation between the characteristics of coffee seedling showed that seedling height was high and significantly correlated with leaf width (0.62**), number of paired leaves (0.58**), node number (0.57**) and leaf area (0.64**). Similarly, leaf height was high and significantly correlated with leaf width (0.72**) and leaf area (0.77**). Generally, the increase of leaf height increases the leaf width and leaf area. Existence of morphological variation of <em>Coffea arabica</em> at seedling stage was used to determine <em>Coffea arabica</em> diversity in this study area. Therefore, <em>Coffea arabica</em> landraces having high seedling height, leaf height, number of paired leaves and leaf area should get attention during selection for plantation. Additionally, farmers, conservationists and other concerned bodies should take action to conserve and keep the gene pool of these coffees. As a result, it opens the door for biotechnologists to characterize coffee at molecular level and breeder scan take action on it to release superior coffee varieties. I. D. Alemu, D. S. Boke Copyright (c) 2018 ITEFA DEGEFA ALEMU, DIRBA SHANKO BOKE Wed, 02 May 2018 00:00:00 +0000 GENETIC DIVERSITY IN BAMBARA GROUNDNUT (Vigna subterranean) AS REVEALED BY MOLECULAR WEIGHTS OF THE SEEDS’ PROTEINS <p>Nine accessions of Bambara groundnut (<em>Vigna subterranea</em> (L.) Verdc.,syn. <em>Voandzeia subterranea</em> (L.) Thouars ex DC.) obtained from National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (NACGRAB), Ibadan, Oyo state, were assessed for their genetic and phylogenetic relatedness through electrophoretic analysis of the seed proteins. 0.2g of the seeds were weighed and macerated with mortar and pestle in 0.2M phosphate buffer containing 0.133M of acid (NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>) and 0.067 of base (Na<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4</sub>) at pH 6.5. Protein characterization with standard marker revealed that the seeds of the nine accessions contained proteins (B.S.A, Oval Albumin, Pepsinogen, Trypsinogen and Lysozyme) with molecular weights ranging from 66kda and above, 45 – 65 kDa, 44 – 33 kda, 32-24 kDa and 23-14 kDa, respectively. The student T-test revealed that accessions B, C, E, F, H and I have molecular weights not significantly different from one another (P&lt;0.05) while samples A, D and G showed significantly different values (P&gt;0.05). All the accessions had at least two proteins and two major bands in common. The study revealed intra-specific similarities and genetic diversity in protein contents among the nine accessions of Bambara groundnut (<em>Vigna subterraranea (</em>L.) <em>Verdc.syn</em><strong></strong></p> A. J. Oludare, J. I. Kioko, A. A. Akeem, A. T. Olumide, K. R. Justina, I. M. Adejoke, D. A. Oyinade, C. D. Moradeke, O. Aderonke Copyright (c) 2018 James Oludare Agbolade Wed, 02 May 2018 00:00:00 +0000 GENETIC DIVERSITY OF RAPESEED (Brassica napus L.) GENOTYPES IN BANGLADESH Genetic diversity in thirty eight traditional rapeseed genotypes was studied under favorable condition through Mahalanobis D<sup>2</sup> statistic for yield and yield contributing characters. The genotypes were grouped into five clusters. The inter-cluster distances were higher than intracluster distances indicating wider genetic diversity among the clusters. The intra-cluster distances were lower in all the cases reflecting homogeneity of the genotypes within the clusters. Among the different cluster the genotypes of the cluster IV, III and I included were taller plant. The genotypes in the cluster III and IV had large size raceme. The genotypes in the cluster IV, III and V exhibited comparatively higher number of siliqua per raceme. Longer siliqua was noticed for the genotypes in the cluster III, IV and I. Higher number of seeds per siliqua noticed in clusters I, II and III. The genotypes of the cluster I and II produced bold size seed. The genotypes in the cluster V and I had high harvest index. The genotypes of the cluster III and I produced high seed yield per plant. Among the different cluster, the cluster III included the genotypes which had high yield, higher number of seeds per siliqua, longer siliqua, siliqua number per raceme and high plant height. Moreover these cluster displayed wide divergence with the genotypes of cluster V. The genotypes of the cluster V had the highest harvest index therefore selection of the parental material for crossing program for improvement of yield in rapeseed is suggested from these two clusters. S. D. S. D. Joya, A. K. M. Shamsuddin, U. K. Nath Copyright (c) 2018 S. D. S. D. Joya, A. K. M. Shamsuddin, U. K. Nath Sun, 31 Dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 GENOTYPE-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION IN YIELD OF HILL COTTON GENOTYPES Stability analysis helps in understanding the adaptability of genotypes over different environmental conditions and the identification of adaptable genotypes. The experiment was conducted at the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) areas of Bangladesh i.e. Bandarban, Rangamati and Khagrachari during May to September 2014 to study the genotype environment interaction effect on yield of some selected hill cotton genotypes. The experiment consisted of two factors: Factor A: Location (3 locations) - L<sub>1</sub>: Bandarban; L<sub>2</sub>: Rangamati and L<sub>3</sub>: Khagrachari; Factor B: Different cotton genotypes G<sub>1</sub>: HCG-4; G<sub>2</sub>: HCG-13, G<sub>3</sub>: HCG-15, G<sub>4</sub>: HCG-21, G<sub>5</sub>: HCG-26, G<sub>6</sub>: HCG-42, G<sub>7</sub>: HCG-51 and V<sub>8</sub>: HC-1 (Check). In case of location environment, the maximum boll per plant was recorded from Bandarban (19.13). The highest single boll weight was recorded from Bandarban (4.65 g). The highest seed cotton yield per hectare was recorded from Bandarban (1825 kg). The highest lint yield per hectare was recorded from Khagrachari (809 kg). For genotypes, maximum boll per plant (24.61), single boll weight (5.18 g), seed cotton yield per hectare (2170 kg) and lint yield per hectare (927 kg) was observed in HCG-13. In case of interaction of environments and genotypes, highest boll per plant (27.03), single ball weight (5.29 g), seed cotton yield per hectare (2170 kg), lint yield per hectare (981 kg) was observed in HCG-13 at Bandarban than the Rangamati and Khagrachari. Based on performance of eight genotypes HCG-13 followed by HCG-21 and HCG -42 was found to be highest yielder.Genotype HCG-13 was found highest yielder than the other genotypes and showed better performance at Bandarban than the Rangamati and Khagrachari. K. M. Dewan, M. S. R. Bhuiyan, M. G. Robbani, M. Sonom Copyright (c) 2018 K. M. Dewan, M. S. R. Bhuiyan, M. G. Robbani, M. Sonom Sun, 31 Dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000