Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy <p>The official journal of the Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists. Full text articles available.</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons Licence"></a><br>Articles in the <em>Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy</em> are Open Access articles published under the Creative Commons CC BY License <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.</p> Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists (BAPT) en-US Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1028-2092 <p>Copyright on any research article is transferred in full to Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists upon publication in <em>Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy</em>. The copyright transfer includes the right to reproduce and distribute the article in any form of reproduction (printing, electronic media or any other form). </p><p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons Licence" /></a><br />Articles in the <em>Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy</em> are Open Access articles published under the Creative Commons CC BY License <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. </p><p>This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. It is author's responsibility to obtain the permission from appropriate authority if figures are reused from a previously published document.</p> A New Species of Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) from Western Yunnan, China <p>A new species of Lentibulariaceae, <em>Pinguicula gongshanensis</em>, is described and illustrated from western Yunnan, China. Morphologically, it is similar to <em>Pinguicula alpina</em> but differs from the latter by its corolla with 8–12 brown stripes on the tube and spur, yellow corolla lip, corolla tube with yellow pubescence inside, glandular pilose pedicel, and calyx.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 171-174, 2023 (December)</p> Jun Sun Yanli Wen Rong Li Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 171 174 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70492 New Records of Lichens from Khadimnagar National Park Sylhet, Bangladesh. I. <p>An investigation was carried out from January 2021 to December 2022 to study the lichen flora of Khadimnagar National Park. The present paper deals with 10 new records of lichens, namely, <em>Acanthothecis asprocarpa</em> (A.W. Archer) A.W. Archer, Bacidia absistens (Nyl.) Arnold, <em>Caloplaca cinnabarina</em> (Ach.) Zahlbr., <em>Coenogonium implexum</em> Nyl., <em>Dirinaria leopoldii</em> (Stein) D. D. Awasthi, <em>Echinoplaca campanulata </em> Kalb &amp; Vězda, <em>Metamelanea umbonata</em> Henssen, <em>Pyrgillus javanicus </em>(Mont. &amp; Bosch) Nyl., <em>Ramboldia blastidiata</em> Kantvilas &amp; Elix and <em>Trypethelium ochroleucum</em> (Eschw.) Nyl. Detailed taxonomic description of the newly reported species with photographs are provided.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 175-183, 2023 (December)</p> Abdullah Al Kaium Shamim Shamsi Md Almujaddade Alfasane Md Abul Bashar Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 175 183 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70494 Anatomical Structures of Saskatoon Berry (Amelanchier Medik.)Leaves Under Different Cultivation Conditions <p><em>Amelanchier</em>Medik. belonging to the family Rosaceae includes about 30 species with a high content of biologically active substances. The aim of the study was to determine the morpho-anatomical features of leaves at the adaptation and ontogenesis stages of Saskatoon berry variety ‘Krasnoyarskaya’ (<em>A. alnifolia</em>) and variety ‘Prince William’ (<em>A. canadensis</em>). Saskatoon berry leaves are characterized by hypostomatic and anomocytic, less often anisocytic stomata at all stages of ontogenesis. The study revealed in the average length of the polar axis and the stomata equatorial diameter, depending on the cultivation conditions and genotype. <em>A. canadensis</em> had a larger average stomatal area, a thicker epidermis, a greater height of the palisade chlorenchyma cells, and a higher coefficient of palisade, which made it more resistant to changes in atmospheric precipitation, at all stages of ontogenesis, in comparison <em>A. alnifolia</em>.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 185-193, 2023 (December)</p> E. Raeva Bogoslovskaya Y Vinogradova O Molkanova M Hussien Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 185 193 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70495 Elodea Canadensis Michx. (Hydrocharitaceae)- A New Angiospermic Record for Bangladesh <p>A new angiospermic record, <em>Elodea canadensis</em>Michx. iselaborated with illustration. The detailed taxonomic description of the species with other relevant information are provided here. The present species has been collected from Hakalukihaor of Moulvibazar district of greater Sylhet.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 195-200, 2023 (December)</p> Md Almujaddade Alfasane Farhana Pervin Hoque Md Abul Hassan Md Sabbir Mostafa Khan Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 195 200 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70496 Anatomy, Pollen and Seed Morphology of Endemicspecies Verbascum Globiferumhub.-Mor. and V. Lysiosepalum Hub.-Mor. (Scrophulariaceae)In Diyarbakir, Turkey and Their Taxonomic Importance <p><em>Verbascum globiferum</em>Hub.-Mor. and <em>V</em>. <em>lysiosepalum</em> Hub.-Mor.are endemic to Turkey which is a center of endemism for <em>Verbascum</em> species. This study gives the anatomical, palynological and seed micromorphological features of <em>V</em>. <em>globiferum</em> and <em>V</em>. <em>lysiosepalum</em>which grow in Diyarbakır.The xylem elements occupy a large area in the root cross-sections of the species. In stem cross-sections, the upper part of the epidermis cells is surrounded by a separate cuticle layer and the pith region covers a large area. In the leaves, the main vein is shapped as collateral bundle. Pollen grains are tricolporate-tricolpate, oblate-spheroidal, and exine ornamentation is reticulate. Seeds are brown and oblong-ovate to prismatic and alveolate. The seed coat ornamentation is irregular with polygonal cells, with densely, distinct vesicles.The capsules are pubescent, covered with stellate and branched hairy or glandular hairs.The seed displayed that substantial taxonomic understanding can be acquired from examining the seed characteristics of <em>Verbascum</em>, particularly at the species level.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 201-212, 2023 (December)</p> Murat Kiliç Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 201 212 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70497 Molecular Phylogenetics and Molecular Dating of Arecaceae In Bangladesh Inferred from Matk and Rbcl Genes <p>A molecular phylogenetic investigation was undertaken for 30 species belonging to 15 genera of the palm family Arecaceae in Bangladesh to infer evolutionary relationships and molecular dating utilizing plastid-based <em>matK</em> and <em>rbcL</em> genes through multifaceted-algorithm driven approaches with Neighbor-Joining, Maximum-Likelihood, and Bayesian Inference methods. The study revealed that <em>matK </em>has better species discrimination efficiency than <em>rbcL </em>gene due to its highly variable nature. Transition/transversion bias test corroborated this finding as <em>matK </em>showed higher bias (2.632) than <em>rbcL </em>(2.235)<em>. </em>Nucleotide substitution patterns were visualized via HYPERMUT program, which unveiled higher variability in <em>matK </em>and lower variability in <em>rbcL </em>alignment. Phylogenetic trees constructed with <em>matK </em>revealed monophyletic nature of origin for all the three subfamilies, <em>viz</em>. Arecoideae, Coryphoideae and Calamoideae, while <em>rbcL </em>trees exhibited polyphyly for Coryphoideae and monophyly for Arecoideae and Calamoideae. All the nine tribes belonging to three subfamilies demonstrated monophyletic nature in <em>matK </em>trees. Bootstrap support and Bayesian posterior probability were found to be higher in <em>matK</em> topologies than that of <em>rbcL.</em> The molecular clock test unraveled an equal evolutionary rate for <em>matK </em>and unequal rate for <em>rbcL </em>sequences. Molecular dating approach unveiled Calamoideae to be the most ancient subfamily (65.75 MYA) among the three subfamilies that originated during the Late Cretaceous period in the Mesozoic era, whereas Coryphoideae and Arecoideae were found to have originated in the Cenozoic era.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 213-232, 2023 (December)</p> Sheikh Sunzid Ahmed M Oliur Rahman M Ajmal Ali Fahad Al Hemaid Joongku Lee Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 213 232 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70498 Floral Richness And Seasonalityof Phytodiversity In The Tessala Mountains, Western Algeria <p>This work is devoted for the floral richness and seasonality evaluation of the plant communities of the Tessala Mountains in Western Algeria. The floristic inventory of the 30 surveys carried out on 10 selected stations has resulted in 152 species under 125 genera and 48 families. Seasonal floral richness is concentrated in both spring and summer seasons, while the monthly richness is significant between Marchto August. Vegetations formations are represented physiognomically by four strata, taken into consideration in descending order of importance: Herbaceous (68%), shrubby (12%), arbustive (11%), and arborescent (10%). The overall and seasonal distributions of biological types almost follow the diagrams: Therophytes (The)&gt; Hemicryptophytes (Hem)&gt; Phanerophytes(Pha) &gt; Chamephytes (Cha)&gt; Geophytes (Geo). During the two season: the winter and the spring, the annual herbaceous dominate the bio-morphological spectrum with perennial herbs. During the summer and autumn, perennial herbaceous plants dominate the bio-morphological spectrum. The families that are mostexisting overall and during the four seasons are Asteraceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae and Fabaceae.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 233-248, 2023 (December)</p> Boubakr Saidi Ali Latreche Mustapha Mahmoud Dif Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 233 248 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70499 New Records of Seaweeds From The St. Martin’s Reef, Bangladesh. II. <p><em>Peyssonnelia conchicola </em>Piccone and Grunow, <em>Gymnothamnion elegans</em> (Schousboe) J. Ag. (reds) and <em>Spatoglossum schroederi</em> (Mertens) Kütz. (brown) seaweeds as new records are described and reported here in the second part of studies in the St. Martin’s Reef. This along with the eight seaweeds (with six new records) recorded and described in the first part earlier, the total taxa now are 11 (eleven). Again, all the eight samples were collected in a single day light period. Through extensive studies including sub-littoral zones of the two tiny Reefs having crystal clear water is expected to yield many seaweed species, including new ones.<em> </em></p> <p><em>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 249-254, 2023 (December) </em></p> Abdul Aziz Md Almujaddade Alfasane Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 249 254 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70500 New Record of Scenedesmus Vacuolatus From Soil In Vojvodina, Serbia <p>Soil algae are photosynthetic microorganisms showing huge differences in morphology depending on the soil type, agricultural practices, and environmental factors. The aim of this research was to compare the results of classical and molecular protocols for microalgal identification. The green microalgae were isolated from acidic arable soil of dystric cambisol type, using BG11 medium and the agar plate method. Firstly, the identification of the microalgae was performed based on its morphological characteristics using light microscopy (LM) and taxonomic monographs and reference books. The isolate was initially annotated on genus level as<em> Coelastrella </em>sp. Gene marker (ITS2) was used for molecular identification. According to this protocol, the microalga was identified as <em>Scenedesmus vacuolatus</em>. Combination of morphology and DNA-based approach proved to be the most effective for obtaining a consistent species level identification. Moreover, this is the first record of <em>Scenedesmus vacuolatus</em> identification from soil in Vojvodina, Serbia.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 255-261, 2023 (December)</p> Timea Hajnal Jafari Vladimira Žunić Simonida Djurić Dragana Stamenov Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 255 261 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70501 Tree Diversity, Abundance And Dominance In The Lakeside Vegetation of Dhaka City, Bangladesh <p>The present article deals with evaluating tree diversity, abundance, and dominance in the urban lakeside vegetation of Dhaka city. Data were collected using systematic sampling methods along with the transect lines. Visitor’s perceptions about existing tree diversity were also collected. A total of 2322 individuals under 118 tree species in 39 families were recorded from Dhanmondi, Hatirjheel and Gulshan lakeside vegetations. The origin analysis of tree species revealed that 39% areexotic and 61% are native. Among the tree species, the five most abundant are<em>Swieteniamahagoni</em>, <em>Mangiferaindica</em>, <em>Cocos nucifera</em>, <em>Khayaanthotheca</em>and <em>Delonixregia</em>. In these abundant tree species, three are exotic,such as <em>Swieteniamahagoni, Khayaanthotheca,</em> and <em>Delonixregia,</em> and the rest are native. According to the importance value index, the most five dominant tree species are <em>Swieteniamahagoni</em>, <em>Samaneasaman</em>, <em>Cocos nucifera</em>, <em>Mangiferaindica,</em> and <em>Delonixregia</em>. Likewise, among the top five dominant tree species, three are exotic, such as <em>Swieteniamahagoni, Sananeasaman, andDelonixregia; the</em> rest are native. The maximum number of tree species in the study areas are ornamental (25%), followed by medicinal (23%), fruit-bearing (22%), timber-producing (19%), and wildlife-supporting (11%). The maximum value of the Shannon diversity index was found in Dhanmondi (3.78), followed by Gulshan (3.41), and Hatirjheel (3.34). According to visitors’ perceptions, 85% of visitors favored positive actions regarding different management issues forlakeside tree diversity to enhance ecosystem services. A number of threats were identified for tree diversity in the study areas and suggested a number of recommendations for the management of tree diversity in three lakesides of vegetation (Dhanmondi, Hatirjheel, and Gulshan) to improve ecosystem services in the future.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 263-275, 2023 (December)</p> Evana Akter Mohammad Zashim Uddin Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 263 275 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70502 Notes On Oedogonium Circinatum Tiff.(Oedogoniaceae) From Indian Sundarban <p>Abstract not available.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 277-281, 2023 (December)</p> Manasi Mandal Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 277 281 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70503 Study Of Nitellahyalina (Charales) Based On Oospore Wall Ornamentation <p>Abstract not available.</p> <p>Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 30(2): 283-286, 2023 (December)</p> Sabrina Naz Md Moniruzzaman Nasrin Jahan Diba Arfatun Nahar Chowdhury Shah Md Golam Gousul Azam Copyright (c) 2023 Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 30 2 283 286 10.3329/bjpt.v30i2.70504