Effects of Pump-Pulse Width and Temperature on Experimental Brillouin Gain Spectrum Obtained from Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Analysis Sensors
Stimulated Brillouin scattering, Fiber optic sensors, Brillouin gain spectrum, Least-squares curve fitting, Pseudo-Voigt profile.Abstract
In this paper, the characteristics of Brillouin gain spectrum (BGS) obtained from a Brillouin optical time-domain analysis (BOTDA) sensor are investigated and analyzed experimentally. The measured BGSs obtained for various pump-pulse widths and temperatures are fitted with different spectrum profiles using nonlinear least-squares curve fitting technique. The fitting performances of used profiles are presented and analyzed. Based on such performances, the proper spectrum profile to be used in the fitting process is determined and used to extract key parameters of the measured BGSs accurately. The variations of such key parameters with pump-pulse widths and temperatures are also investigated and analyzed. The results reveal that pump-pulse widths and temperatures have significant effects on the extracted key parameters of the measured BGSs obtained from BOTDA sensors.
Bangladesh Journal of Physics, 27(1), 69-80, June 2020