On the management of single fish species of hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) resources of Bangladesh


  • M Nath Sarker Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Capacity Building Project, Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • M Niamul Naser Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
  • Md Sharif Uddin Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Capacity Building Project, Department of Fisheries, Matshya Bhaban, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • N Nanda Das HFLIP, LGED, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Md Humayun Center for Development Initiatives in Capture Fisheries (CDICF), Dhaka




Management, hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha


Hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) belonging to the family Clupeidae is a diadromous migratory fish species. It is an important fish in the countries bordering to the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh harvest about 60% of world hilsa catch. Hilsa contributed12.9% of the country’s total fish production in 2017-2018 with an estimated annual production of 517,198 tons, which was 1.0% to the GDP to support livelihoods of 1.2 million hilsa fishers of Bangladesh. In spite of the importance, there was an alarming situation in hilsa production, where over fishing of hilsa with a result of decline in inland production were observed. In the present study age and growth parameters L=57.7 cm total length and growth rate K=0.90 per year were calculated using VBGF growth function. Population parameters Z=4.90 were calculated using length converted catch curve, M (at water temperature 27°C) =1.45 using Pauly’s formula, F=1.09 and E=70 were estimated. Results indicates both recruitment overfishing and growth over fishing occur through indiscriminate fishing of juvenile hilsa (Jatka) as wel as brood hilsa(mother). Fishing effort has to be reduced at any cost and the affected fishers should be rehabilitated in a proper manner for obtaining the sustainable production of hilsa resources.

Bangladesh J. Zool. 47(1): 173-183, 2019


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How to Cite

Sarker, M. N., Naser, M. N., Uddin, M. S., Das, N. N., & Humayun, M. (2019). On the management of single fish species of hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) resources of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 47(1), 173–183. https://doi.org/10.3329/bjz.v47i1.42055


