A Spirometric Study of Pulmonary Function in Carcinoma Breast Patients Treated with Tangential Beam Technique of EBRT


  • Kazi Mansur Kader Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital.
  • SM Anisur Rahman Professor and Head, Radiation Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital.
  • AMM Shariful Alam Director and Professor of Radiation Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital.
  • Syed Md Akram Hussain Professor and Chairman, Department of Oncology, BSMMU.
  • AFM Kamal Uddin Registrar, Radiation Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital






A study was conducted at National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Mohakhali, Dhaka among the cancer Breast patients receiving radiotherapy from July 2007 to June 2008. The objective of this study was to asses the short term pulmonary side effects following adjuvant radiotherapy by doing pulmonary function test. We included 50 patients with the mean age of 45 years. The base line pulmonary function was measured on the day of starting Radiotherapy and 6 weeks and 12 weeks of Post Radiotherapy. The measuring indicators were FEVI, FVC, VC, ERV, IRV, Chest X-rays of all patients were taken periodically all the patients under went chest wall irradiated by tangential fields and irradiation to axilla and supraclavicular region by single interior field. The usual dose was 5000 CGY in 25 fractions, 5 functions per week using co60 teletherapy.  

DOI: 10.3329/bmj.v37i2.3588

Bangladesh Medical Journal 37(2) 2008 28-29


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How to Cite

Kader, K. M., Rahman, S. A., Alam, A. S., Hussain, S. M. A., & Uddin, A. K. (2009). A Spirometric Study of Pulmonary Function in Carcinoma Breast Patients Treated with Tangential Beam Technique of EBRT. Bangladesh Medical Journal, 37(2), 28–29. https://doi.org/10.3329/bmj.v37i2.3588



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