Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal
Volume 16, Issue 4, December 2023
towards the effects of Internet-based education among adolescents: A
cross-sectional study
Jannatul Saki*, Bijoy Kumer Paul
, Syed Shariful Islam
, Md Atiqul Haque
Research Officer; Department of Public Health and Informatics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Email:
Associate Professor, Head (medical Education division), Department of Public Health and Informatics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Email:
Professor, Department of Public Health and Informatics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Email:
Chairman and Dean; Department of Public Health and Informatics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Email:
Correspondence to: Dr. Bijoy Kumer Paul, Email:
Received: 13 Sep 2023; Revised version received: 10 Oct 2023; Accepted: 11 Nov 2023; Published online: 13 Nov 2023
Background: In the era of internet-based dependency on education, the study aimed to determine the perception of the effects of internet-based education (IBE) among adolescents.
Methods: A cross-sectional study included conveniently selected 140 adolescent students and 60 of their parents from a secondary school located in Sabujbag thana of Dhaka city. Data were collected through a questionnaire-based interview on adolescents’ IBE and its physical, psychological, and social effects.
Results: On average, adolescents and parents were 15 and 42 years old. Parents provided more negative input on physical health such as headache (88.3 vs 65.0%, P<0.01), sleep disruption (76.7 vs. 52.9%, P<0.01), and backache (90.0 vs 44.3%, P<0.01) compared to the adolescents. However, they had similar perceptions about physical activity. Parents showed more concern about the potential loss of motivation and self-discipline (73.3 vs 48.6%, P=0.002). Adolescents were more optimistic about community networking (92.9 vs. 81.7%). The opposite views were expressed by the parents that long screen time undermines societal values (66.7 vs. 15.7%, P<0.001).
Conclusion: Although there were differences between the perceptions of parents and adolescents, IBE was favored in many instances such as painting/drawing skills, getting updated information, school performance, social skills, and community networking.
Keywords: online education, internet-based education, online learning
1. Internet-based education may encourage adolescents to participate in extracurricular activities and increase the desire to learn.
2. Adolescents and their parents observed some negative impacts of internet-based education on physical and psychological health but favored its use for issues like painting/drawing skills, indoor physical activity, getting updated information, better school performance, earning leadership quality, and enhancing social social skills.
Online education, also known as internet-based education (IBE), has gained popularity due to its flexibility, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.1 Several online learning options are available, including Canvas, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Skype, and Zoom.2 Benefits include adaptability, continuing education during the pandemic, and access to various resources. Adverse effects include effects on vision, self-control, focus, exercise, and excess consumption. Young adults who use the internet excessively may experience health problems, including headaches, stiffness, and sleep disturbances.3
The online realm provides extracurricular opportunities, including arts, music, sports, and volunteer work4, and it can reinforce self-identity and self-esteem.5 However, the internet has its drawbacks, with potentially harmful content that may erode societal values.6 Overall, internet literacy of children might be beneficial as opposed to the common belief of exposure to harmful content and promotion of sedentary behaviour. This study aimed to determine perceptions of IBE's effects on adolescent students of an urban area of Dhaka.
This cross-sectional study was done from October to November 2022 in a higher secondary school in Sabujbagh Thana of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Ethical approval and permission from the school authority were taken before a data collection schedule. We selected adolescents from grades VIII and IX familiar with IBE and one of their parents conveniently. Based on an Egyptian study7 where 43.4% of parents perceived more negative than positive internet effects on children's health, we calculated our sample size using the Z2p(1-p)/d2 formula with a 5% significance level and 8% error margin, which was 147. We invited 140 adolescents and their parents for interviews. All adolescents but 60 parents participated in the interview at the school premises after getting parents’ consent and adolescents’ assent.
A pretested questionnaire was used to gather information on the adolescents’ internet usage patterns, including their attachment to IBE, hours spent online, usage locations, devices used, and visits to formal educational websites. The questions included: (1) physical effects of internet use such as headache, negative impacts on vision, altered sleep habits, and backache; (2) psychological effects assessing engagement in activities like painting, and indoor physical exercises, academic performance, social expression, leadership, motivation, discipline; and (3) social effects like a building of global networks, participating in community volunteer work, and adherence to societal values.
The statistical analysis was done using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences, version 26. Data were presented using frequency and percents. The chi-square test was used to examine the differences between adolescents and parents. A P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
The adolescents and their parents were 15 years and 42 years old on average, in respective order. Seven in 10 adolescents and eight in 10 parents were females. Most of the parents had postgraduate-level education, and half were employed.
A significantly higher proportion of parents than adolescents reported that IBE causes headaches (88.3 vs. 65.0%, P<0.01), sleep pattern disruption (76.7 vs. 52.9%, P<0.01), and backache (90.0 vs 44.3%, P<0.01) (TABLE 2). However, there are perceptions of the benefits of IBE. Parents and adolescents almost equally believe IBE promotes painting/ drawing skills (76.7 vs. 80.7%), yoga/meditation (61.7 vs. 64.3%), and getting resourceful and up-to-date information (95.0 vs. 97.9%), performance in school (90.0 vs 89.3%), and leadership qualities (88.3 vs 82.1%). However, significant differences in responses among parents and adolescents were seen in the effects of indoor physical exercise (75.0 vs 90.7%, P<0.01). However, they perceive IBE’s adverse impacts on motivation and self-discipline (73.3% vs 48.6%, P<0.01). Many parents and adolescents believe that IBE improves social skills (86.7% vs. 90.0%) and voluntary work in the community (91.7% vs 87.1%). In contrast, a contrasting opinion is seen that spending time on screen undermines societal values (66.7% vs 15.7%, P<0.001).
Contrary to the common belief, this study revealed participants’ perception that IBE has many positive sides. Similar findings have been observed in an Egyptian study7, by Bangladesh 8. A few other studies reported that Zoom and Google Classroom emerged as adolescents' preferred online learning platforms.2, 9 These platforms have facilitated the use of various applications and allowed for online learning to be conducted effectively.
A consensus exists among parents and adolescents that IBE diminishes physical activity and adversely affects visual health. Parents express greater concern about headaches, sleep disturbances, and backaches compared to adolescents. These findings resonate with a Turkish study, which identified significant physical symptoms such as headaches, stiffness, backache, neck pain, and insomnia but did not observe dizziness, dry eyes, wrist discomfort, or stomach aches.3, 10
Around 90% of participants (including parents and adolescents) noted that IBE helps adolescents access information, enhances academic performance, and fosters leadership qualities. Approximately 75% of parents and adolescents believe that IBE may strengthen painting and drawing skills. However, adolescents argued that IBE may facilitate indoor physical exercise.
The current study found that parents were more concerned than adolescents about potential impacts on loss of motivation and self-discipline. This has the potential to change the adolescent's behavior unfavorably, unlike a study from Brunei.11 The UK and Indonesian studies show a preference for digital over paper-based reading despite a prevalent skimming habit online knowing that adolescents' rudeness may have some link with screen time.11 ,12, 13, 14 Many people might have counted on the benefits of extracurricular activities.4, 15 Early evidence suggests that online time displaces productive activities and face-to-face interactions, and harmful online expressions can erode social values.4, 6, 15, 16 Our participants, somehow, believe that IBE increases social skills and community networking despite erosion of social values. Further studies are necessary to clarify it.
There are several limitations in this study. First, the study collected data from a specific age group of adolescents in a particular school in Dhaka city, so the findings cannot be generalized to schools in general in the country. Second, a big non-response rate among the parents might have impacted our results. Third, we use a relatively large error rate in our sample calculation considering the time and resources available.
The adolescents and their parents believe thar there are harmful impacts of IBE. These are headache, sleep disruption, backache, loss of self-discipline, rude behaviour, etc. Nonetheless, they (participants) believe that IBE has many favourable impacts too. These are painting/drawing skills, getting updated information, school performance, leadership quality, social skills, community networking, and voluntarism. Further research is needed for elucidating factors specific to Bangladesh and children in general, given that our data lack generalizability. we could not recruit enough parents, compared to the number of adolescents, the adolescents and their parents there are harmful impacts. These are headache, sleep disruption, backache, loss of self-discipline, rude behaviour, etc. Nonetheless, they (participants) believe that IBE has many favourable impacts too. These are painting/drawing skills, listening to music from various cultures, getting updated information, school performance, leadership quality, social skills, community networking, and voluntarism. Further research is needed for elucidating factors specific to Bangladesh and children in general, given that our data lack generalizability.
The authors are grateful to all of the study participants. Special thanks to the principal and other members of Kadamtala Purba Basabo School and College for their cooperation.
Author contributions
Conception and design: JS and BKP; Acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data: JS and BKP; Manuscript drafting and revising it critically: JS, MAH, BKP; Approval of the final version of the manuscript: MAH, BKP, SSI, JS; Guarantor accuracy and integrity of the work: MAH, BKP, SSI
The study was funded by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University.
Conflict of interest
We don’t have any conflict of interest.
Ethical approval
We obtained ethical approval from the Institutional Review Board of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, bearing memo number BSMMU/2022/8892, dated 4 September 2022. All participants were apprised that their involvement was entirely voluntary and would not yield any immediate benefits.
Jannatul Saki
Bijoy Kumer Paul
Syed Shariful Islam
Md Atiqul Haque
1. Global Campaign for Education. #CoronaVirus: Don’t Let Our Children Down. Press Centre. (Internet source, access to: 15.10.2022).
2. Koh WC, Naing L, Wong J. Estimating the impact of physical distancing measures in containing COVID-19: An empirical analysis. Int J Infect Dis. 2020;100:42–9. DOI:
4. CollegeVine. 100 Awesome Extracurricular Activities You Can Do At Home. 2023. (Internet source, Accessto:15.06.2023).
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6. Hameed SA. Effect of internet drawbacks on moral and social values of users in education. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci. 2011; 5 (6): 372-380.
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Table 1 Background data on internet use in formal settings by adolescents and their parents, number (%) |
Internet usage data |
Parents (n= 60) |
Adolescents (n= 140) |
Internet use time |
Daily |
48 (80.0) |
86 (61.4) |
≤ 2 hours |
33 (55.0) |
110 (78.6) |
>2 hours |
27 (45.0) |
30 (21.4) |
Common devices |
Smartphone |
43 (71.7) |
133 (95.0) |
Others |
17 (28.3) |
7 (5.0) |
Common locations |
Home |
60 (100.0) |
139 (99.3) |
Others |
0 |
1 (0.7) |
Commonly used internet sites |
Zoom |
44 (73.3) |
23 (87.9) |
Google Classroom |
33 (55.0) |
51 (36.4) |
Effects of internet-based education |
Parents (n= 60) |
Adolescents (n= 140) |
P* |
Physical effects |
Headache |
53 (88.3) |
91 (65.0) |
0.001 |
Negative impact on vision |
56 (93.3) |
117 (83.6) |
0.07 |
Sleep disruptions |
46 (76.7) |
74 (52.9) |
0.002 |
Backache |
54 (90.0) |
62 (44.3) |
<0.001 |
Psychological effects |
Boost up of painting/ drawing skills |
46 (76.7) |
113 (80.7) |
0.65 |
Practicing indoor physical exercise |
45 (75.0) |
127 (90.7) |
0.007 |
Helps getting updated information |
57 (95.0) |
137 (97.9) |
0.37 |
Better performance in school |
54 (90.0) |
125 (89.3) |
0.99 |
Development of leadership personality |
53 (88.3) |
115 (82.1) |
0.30 |
Loss of motivation and self-discipline |
44 (73.3) |
68 (48.6) |
0.002 |
Social effects |
Enhances social skills |
52 (86.7) |
126 (90.0) |
0.47 |
Builds a community network |
49 (81.7) |
130 (92.9) |
0.03 |
Screen time undermines societal values |
40 (66.7) |
22 (15.7) |
<0.001 |
*Chi-square test |