Extensive isolated bilateral Ankyloblepharon Filiforme Adnatum: a case report
Ankyloblepharon Filiforme AdnatumAbstract
We report a case of a rare congenital eyelid abnormality, ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum, in an otherwise healthy male neonate, bom to healthy parents out of non-consanguineous marriage. This newborn presented with extensive band of tissue connecting upper and lower eyelid of both eyes, resulting in extremely limited palpebral aperture opening. Antenatal history was unremarkable. The parents came to us at the age of one month. The baby was operated on that day at admission under local anesthesia. The eyelid band of both eyes were excised at the level of each lid margin resulting in normal eye opening. Dilated fundoscopic examination was done along wit,h anterior segment examination. No underlying ocular abnormalities were noted. A detail systemic examination by pediatrician failed to reveal any other congenital anomaly. Echocardiography and cerebral echography (both normal) were performed to exclude congenital heart disease and cerebral malformations. The baby was then discharged without complications. Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum may be isolated or may present with other congenital anomalies. Therefore, the presence of eyelid bands should alert for complete systemic examination. Prompt treatment is required for proper opening of the eye and to decrease the risk of amblyopia.
CME J 2024; 3(2); 47-49
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