Estimation of Consolidation and Settlement Characteristics of Madhupur Clay Formation from Dhaka City and Adjacent Area (Savar), Bangladesh


  • Nazmun Nahar Geological survey of Bangladesh, 153, pioneer road, Segunbaghicha, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Md Zillur Rahman Department of Disaster Science and Climate Resilience, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
  • Muhammad Qumrul Hassan Department of Geology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
  • Khaleda Afrin Geological survey of Bangladesh, 153, pioneer road, Segunbaghicha, Dhaka, Bangladesh



Madupur Clay; Settlements; Compressibility; One Dimensional Consolidation Test


Pleistocene Madhupur Clay covers mostly the investigated region including Dhaka and the surrounding area (Savar). Without knowing the consolidation characteristics and settlement of this Clay, it is difficult for any construction sites to build infrastructure. In Bangladesh, the research on this parameter is limited hence for better understanding the consolidation and settlement behavior of Madhupur Clay samples in this area, a detail investigation is carried out by conducting one dimensional consolidation test. The undisturbed samples, Pleistocene Madhupur Clay and the fill materials which are also partly composed of the Madhupur Clay, are collected from 2.4 m to 4.11 m depths of many distinct points. The compression index Cc and coefficient of compressibility, av of the samples are range from 0.073 to 0.23 and from 0.059 to 0.14m2/mn respectively. The values recommend that both types of specimens are medium plastic clay. The Madhupur Clay are stiff consolidated clay and slightly compressible in nature whereas the Madhupur Clay fill samples are less stiff over consolidated and moderately compressible in nature. Fill samples are settled more with time and are not suitable for Shallow foundation of light or heavy infrastructure. However, the Madhupur Clay samples are only appropriate for light infrastructure foundation.

The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 12(2), 2023, P 27-39





How to Cite

Nahar, N., Rahman, M. Z., Hassan, M. Q., & Afrin, K. (2024). Estimation of Consolidation and Settlement Characteristics of Madhupur Clay Formation from Dhaka City and Adjacent Area (Savar), Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 12(2), 27–39.


