Numerical Solutions of General Fourth Order Two Point Boundary Value Problems by Galerkin Method with Legendre Polynomials
Galerkin method, Fourth order linear and nonlinear BVPs, Legendre polynomialsAbstract
In this paper, Galerkin weighted residual method is presented to find the numerical solutions of the general fourth order linear and nonlinear differential equations with essential boundary conditions. For this, the given differential equations and the boundary conditions over arbitrary finite domain [a, b] are converted into its equivalent form over the interval [0, 1]. Here the Legendre polynomials, over the interval [0, 1], are chosen as trial functions satisfying the corresponding homogeneous form of the Dirichlet boundary conditions. Details matrix formulations are derived for solving linear and nonlinear boundary value problems (BVPs). Numerical examples for both linear and nonlinear BVPs are considered to verify the proposed formulation and the results obtained are compared.
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. 62(2): 103-108, 2014 (July)