A Modified Filtering Technique for Efficient Extreme Points and Application of MOLP in Agriculture Sector in Bangladesh
MOLP, Efficient Solutions, Multiobjective Simplex Method, Application of MOLP.Abstract
Multi-objective simplex algorithm computes all efficient extreme points of a multi-objective linear programming (MOLP) problem. For MOLP problem with large number of efficient extreme points, a filtering technique is necessary to present a small representative part of efficient extreme points. For this, we propose a filtering technique among efficient extreme points. In modern agriculture, we have to consider series of conflicting optimization criteria. For this reason, optimal cropping pattern, that is, allocation of land to various crops by making use of limited resources has become major challenges to get optimum return. To overcome this challenge, we illustrate the application of MOLP through a real life oriented problem of agricultural sector of Bangladesh. We also solve this problem by a self developed computer software which is based on multi-objective simplex algorithm and our proposed filtering technique.
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. 64(2): 147-152, 2016 (July)