International Current Pharmaceutical Journal <p>Published by the Saki Publishing Club. Full text articles available. <br /><br /></p> Saki Publishing Club en-US International Current Pharmaceutical Journal 2224-9486 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p><ol start="1"><li>The journal holds copyright and publishes the work under a <a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li></ol> Profilistic Study of Bioactivities of Extracts of Gongronema latifolium Incorporated with Alum on some Clinical Bacteria <p>Profilistic study of bioactivities of aqueous, ethanolic and methanolic leaf extracts of <em>Gongronema latifolium</em> in combination with potassium aluminium sulphate (Alum) against some clinical bacterial pathogens were investigated by disc diffusion (DD) and Agar well diffusion (AWD) methods respectively. The leaf extracts at concentrations of 0.1-0.3g were reconstituted in sterile distilled water as well as 1.0-3.0g of alum prior to application. In-vitro bioactivity of various concentrations of the extracts and in combination with alum were evaluated by measuring diameter of inhibition zones (DIZs) respectively. Methanolic leaf extract (MLE) had the largest mean DIZs of 14.5±0.5 and 11.5±0.0mm on <em>Escherichia coli</em> and <em>Salmonella typhi,</em> with enhanced bioactivity of 19.5±0.7 and 17.5±0.7mm with alum against <em>Bacillus subtilis</em>, <em>Sal. typhi</em> and <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em> by DD and AWD methods respectively. However, aqueous leaf extract (ALE) and ethanolic leaf extract (ELE) and their combinations depicted appreciable antibacterial activity on the pathogens but incomparable to MLE. Generally, there was enhancement of bioactivties with the incorporation of Alum to the leaf extracts (irrespective of solvent of extraction) on a dose response fashion particularly by AWD method. Furthermore, the low MIC values of &lt;0.05 to 0.2mg/ml on the bacteria with MLE and ALE, validates their potency and broad spectrum activity. In contrast, the very large DIZs of Ciprofloxacin (CP) reflects the beneficial impact of purified chemotherapeutics against pathogens. Thus, the improved efficacy of these extracts with alum would justify future application in ethnomedicine as well as in nutraceuticals/pharmaceuticals or in food systems as “green chemicals” or “biopreservatives”.<strong></strong></p><p>International Current Pharmaceutical Journal, October 2018, 6(12): 92-98</p><p> </p> Lawrence O Amadi Nathaniel N Ngerebara Chidinma A Okafor Copyright (c) 2018 International Current Pharmaceutical Journal 2018-10-15 2018-10-15 6 12 92 98 10.3329/icpj.v6i12.38536