Views of emergency medicine congress participants' on congress presentations


  • Mustafa Boğan Emergency Department, Düzce University, Turkey
  • Mustafa Sabak Emergency Department, Gaziantep University, Turkey
  • Mehmet Karadağ Department of Biostatistics, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey
  • Fatma Boğan Vocational School of Health Services, Düzce University, Turkey
  • Mehmet Murat Oktay Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep, Turkey
  • Behçet Al Emergency Department, Gaziantep University, Turkey


medicine congress, congress presentations


Background and objectives: Science congresses have begun to be recognized as a tourism model that named as congress tourism. The hotels where the National Emergency Medicine Congresses are hosted, which are held once a year, contribute to congress tourism.The aim of this study is to find out views of attendees of emergency medicine congresses about the congress and presentations.

Methods: A survey form consisting of 16 questions (without demographic question) was shared with participants attending the 14th National Emergency Medicine Congress of the Association of Emergency Medicine Specialists (EPAT) by SMS, e-mail, and social media messenger programs (WhatsApp, etc.).

Results: A total of 238 participants took part in the study of whcih73.9% (n = 176) were male. The age of the majority (68, 28.6%) participants was between 35 to 39 years. Maximum participants (n = 95, 39.9%) were specialist titleholders and the majority's (n = 81, 34.0%) length of service was 6-10 years. Of the total particinats, 73.1% and 65% expressed that curiosity about the scientific content and refreshing the knowledge respectively were the reasons for attending the conferences.

Conclusion: Even if congresses are held in holiday hotels, participants are more interested in scientific content. Paramedical activities and visuals used in presentations are viewed positively. Although there are very intense programs in the congress, the majority of the participants stated that they would listen to eight presentations most efficiently.

Ibrahim Med. Coll. J. 2021; 15(2): 38-43


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How to Cite

Boğan, M. ., Sabak, M. ., Karadağ, M. ., Boğan, F., Oktay, M. M. ., & Al, B. (2021). Views of emergency medicine congress participants’ on congress presentations. IMC Journal of Medical Science, 15(2), 38–43. Retrieved from



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