Electrophoretic pattern of hereditary haemoglobin disorders in a referral centre: a one year study


  • Md Mostafil Karim Asst Prof, Dept of Transfusion Medicine, AFMC, Dhaka Cant, Dhaka
  • AKM Abu Yousuf HOD of Haematology, AFIP, Dhaka Cant, Dhaka
  • Shahina Akhter Junior Consultant, Dhaka Dental College, Dhaka
  • Mushtaq Ahmad Assoc Prof & HOD of Forensic Medicine, AFMC, Dhaka Cant; Dhaka
  • Sharmeen Sultana Assoc Prof & HOD of Phisiology, AFMC, Dhaka Cantt, Dhaka
  • Md Abdus Samad Al-Azad Dept of Forensic Medicine, AFMC, Dhaka Cant, Dhaka
  • Md Iqbal Karim Dept of Pathology, AFMC, Dhaka Cant, Dhaka




Hemoglobin disorders, Electrophoretic pattern, Beta thalassaemia, Mendelian pattern


Introduction: The inherited disorders of haemoglobin are the commonest single-gene disorders with an estimated carrier rate of 7% among the world population. They occur at particularly high frequencies in population of the tropical and subtropical belt.

Objective: To find out the electrophoretic pattern of haemoglobin disorders and to evaluate and compare the diseases in study population.

Methods: A total number of 1370 subjects of both sexes with age range from 6 months to 73 years were included in the study. The study was conducted in Haematology Department of Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Dhaka. It was carried out from January to December 2012. Patients were selected on the basis of morphological blood film examination and electrophoresis on cellulose acetate at PH 8.6.

Results: Among the 1370 subjects, Beta thalassaemia trait was observed in 532(38.83%) cases, HbE trait in 313(22.85%), HbE-Beta thalassaemia in 282(20.58%), HbE disease in 146(10.66%) and Beta thalassaemia major in 97(7.08%) cases.

Conclusion: The study reveals that, hereditary haemoglobin disorders are common in Bangladesh and are inherited as autosomal recessive Mendelian pattern affecting both male and female.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jafmc.v9i2.21827

Journal of Armed Forces Medical College Bangladesh Vol.9(2) 2013


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How to Cite

Karim, M. M., Yousuf, A. A., Akhter, S., Ahmad, M., Sultana, S., Al-Azad, M. A. S., & Karim, M. I. (2015). Electrophoretic pattern of hereditary haemoglobin disorders in a referral centre: a one year study. Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh, 9(2), 54–58. https://doi.org/10.3329/jafmc.v9i2.21827



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