Effect of pituitary gland doses on induced breeding of Crucian Carp, Carassius carassius
Induced breeding, PG, Carassius carassiusAbstract
Induced breeding of crucian carp, Carassius carassius was conducted in order to determine the optimum dose of pituitary gland (PG) hormone. The research was done at the hatchery of the Freshwater Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh. The study was consisted of four different doses of PG treatments (T1, T2, T3 and T4) with three replications of each. In the experiment single dose was used for T1 while double dose used for T2, T3 and T4 to evaluate the efficiency of PG hormone on ovulation, fertilization and hatching rates of C. carassius eggs. Single dose of 6.0 mg PG kg-1 body weight (bw) of female fish had no ovulatory response. The double dose in case of female fish in T2 at the rate of 6.0 mg PG kg-1 bw (1st dose 1.0 and 2nd dose 5.0 mg PG kg-1 bw at 6 h interval) and 2.0 mg PG kg-1 bw of male fish (single dose during the time of 2nd injection of female) in January showed better results in terms of ovulation (96.52±1.53%), fertilization (90.35±1.67%) and hatching rates (78.65±2.84%) compared to other treatments. Considering ovulation, fertilization and hatching rates the double dose of 6.0 mg PG kg-1 bw of female and single dose of 2.0 mg PG kg-1 bw of male can be used in induced breeding of C. carassius during January. The findings of this study indicated that induced breeding of C. Carassius is successful through PG extract and might be useful for large scale seed production in the hatchery operation.
J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 13(1): 137-144, June 2015
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