Economics of BRAC credit operation in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh
Credit, Adequacy, Utilization, Repayment, ImpactAbstract
BRAC borrowers received 100 percent credit of their applied amount. Maximum of the credit money was utilized purposively and rickshaw pulling borrowers showed the highest purposive utilization. All the borrowers satisfactorily repaid their loan within the specified term. The important factors for timely loan repayment were found to be self awareness, installment mode of payment and group pressure. Borrower's income proved to be the most significant factor contributing repayment process. Grocery shop borrowers experienced the highest increase in income and expenditure while rickshaw pulling borrowers experienced the same in saving. Though BRAC credit brought positive change to its borrowers, the impact was not satisfactory. So, other related programs with credit support were suggested to bring desired change for the borrowers.
Keywords: Credit; Adequacy; Utilization; Repayment; Impact
DOI: 10.3329/jbau.v7i1.4971
J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 7(1): 103-107, 2009
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