Comparative study of mud crab (<i>Scylla serrata</i>) fattening practices between two different systems in Bangladesh
Mud crab, Fattening, Bamboo cage, Encircled earthen pond, BangladeshAbstract
A study was conducted to compare the survival, production and economics of mud crab fattening in cage with fattening in encircled earthen brackishwater pond. Thirty cages of 1m (L) × 1m (W) × 0.3m (H) partitioned into 16 compartments (each 25 × 25 × 30 cm) were set in a 40 m2 pond and another pond with same area was encircled with bamboo fence. Mud crab fattening in cage and in encircled earthen area were considered as Treatment-1 and Treatment-2, respectively with three replications each to compare the fattening system. Single adult non-gravid female crab (204.42 ± 2.58g) was stocked into each compartment of the cages and 80 crabs (204.42± 2.58g) were also stocked into earthen pond @ 2 indiv./ m2. The crabs were fed with chopped tilapia @ 8% of body weight twice daily. Survival rate of crab was found 93.75 ± 6.25% and 86.12 ± 2.16% respectively in cages and encircled earthen area. Significantly (P<0.05) higher total production of crab from cages (3.30±0.08 kg/m2) was recorded than the encircled earthen area (0.37±0.01 kg/m2). Comparative benefit-cost analysis showed that bamboo cage fattening attained higher net profit (Tk 91,630.00) than crab fattening in encircled earthen area (Tk 9,345.00) from 12 crops (12-16 days per crop) fattening period. The present study revealed that mud crab fattening using bamboo cage might be better than encircled earthen area with fencing in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Mud crab; Fattening; Bamboo cage; Encircled earthen pond; Bangladesh
DOI: 10.3329/jbau.v7i1.4978
J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 7(1): 151-156, 2009
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