Impacts of Northwest Fisheries Extension Project (NFEP) on pond fish farming in improving livelihood approach
NFEP, Fish farming parameters, Pond production, Livelihood approachAbstract
Investigation was carried out from June to August 2009. A total of 40 fish farmers were selected from northwest two upazila namely Debigonj (n=20) and Boda (n=20) where both men and women were targeted. Focus group discussion (FGD) and cross-check interview were conducted to get an overview on carp farming. From 1991-1995, 1996-2000 and after 2000; 17.5%, 45% and 37.5% of fish farmers started carp farming respectively. Average 77.5% of farmers acquired training from NFEP project while 10% of them from government officials. There were 55% seasonal and 45% perennial ponds with average pond size 0.09 ha. After phase out of NFEP project, 92.5% of fish farmers followed polyculture systems, while only 7.5% of them followed monoculture ones. Farmers did not use any lime, organic and inorganic fertilizers in their ponds before association with NFEP project. They used lime, cow dung, urea and T.S.P during pond preparation at the rate of 247, 2562.68, 46.36 and 27.29 kg.ha-1.y-1 respectively where stocking density at the rate of 10,775 fry.ha-1 after phase out of the project. Feeding was at the rate of 3-5% body Rice bran, wheat bran and mustard oil cake used at the rate of 1920, 220 and 110 kg.ha-1.y-1 respectively by 85% of fish farmers but 15% of them did not used any feed. Before NFEP project, average pond production was 408.55 kg.ha-1 but after phase out the project, fish production was 2,861.08 kg.ha-1. Peak culture and harvesting period lied from April to December and from November to January. Average 92.5% of farmers improved their livelihood through carp farming. Fish farming was affected due to low water depth and drought conditions.
Keywords: NFEP; Fish farming parameters; Pond production; Livelihood approach
DOI: 10.3329/jbau.v8i2.7942
J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 8(2): 305-311, 2010
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