Effects of Affective State on Episodic Memory Retrieval


  • Asheek Mohammad Shimul Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • Md Rakibuil Hasan Graduate research student in Psychology, Dhaka University Memory Research Unit, Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka-1000




Episodic Memory, Emotion, Congruence, Incongruence, Affective States


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The role of emotion in memory recollection has been an arguable issue for a decade. Episodic memory is very triggering in our day to day life and so as our affective states. Present study was conducted to see whether positive, negative and neutral emotional states (affective states) have any effect in recollecting emotion congruent or incongruent episodic memory. Words of positive, negative, or neutral were presented to the participants either in positive, negative, or neutral mood and immediate recall was used in this present experiment. It was hypothesized that congruent mood would enhance better episodic memory recollection than incongruent mood. A total of 36 adult healthy participants were selected for this experiment following an incidental sampling techniques and they were divided into two contrasting groups namely, congruent and incongruent following purely on the basis of chance. Phases of stimulus presentations were counterbalanced. Different images were used to manipulate affective states of the respondents, and different positive (18 words), negative (18 words) and neutral (18 words) words were used as stimulus. Results were analyzed using paired t test. Results revealed that negative mood enhance negative word retrieval (t = 2.159, p <0.05) but not positive words. Findings were discussed in the light of current theories of episodic memory recollection.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jbayr.v2i1.20536

Journal of the Bangladesh Association of Young Researchers (JBAYR): Vol.2(1), 2012 & 2013: 1-8


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How to Cite

Shimul, A. M., & Hasan, M. R. (2014). Effects of Affective State on Episodic Memory Retrieval. Journal of the Bangladesh Association of Young Researchers, 2(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.3329/jbayr.v2i1.20536



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