The nature of teacher feedback in second language (L2) writing classrooms: A study on some private universities in Bangladesh


  • Md Ziaul Karim Department of English, Presidency University
  • Taslima Irine Ivy Department of English, Presidency University



Feedback to L2 writing, Feedback in ESL/EFL classroom, Feedback nature and type in Bangladesh


The core task of second language (L2) writing teachers is to help students become efficient writers by building up student confidence and providing effective strategies to improve student writing. Teacher feedback given during various stages of process writing can play a vital role in this respect. This paper tried to find out the prevalent forms and nature of teacher feedback in L2 writing classrooms of some private Universities (e.g. dominant forms of feedback, the effect of feedback, amount of importance attached to feedback sessions, attitude towards students in the process & teacher training on feedback). At the same time it also looked into the effect of feedback on students (whether students view feedback as important, what kinds of feedback students prefer, what they expect from the teacher & whether they feel positive about feedback). Based on these findings some suggestions based on recent literature were added to help improve feedback methods according to one's context.

Key words: Feedback to L2 writing; Feedback in ESL/EFL classroom; Feedback nature and type in Bangladesh.

DOI: 10.3329/jbayr.v1i1.6837

Journal of Bangladesh Association of Young Researchers Vol.1(1) 2011 pp.31-48


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Author Biographies

Md Ziaul Karim, Department of English, Presidency University

Md. Ziaul Karim is presently a lecturer at the Department of English, Presidency University, Bangladesh. He was also an adjunct faculty at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) and Southeast University. Ziaul completed his BA (hons.) in English and MA in Applied Linguistics & ELT from the Department of English, University of Dhaka. Ziaul has worked as a consultant for Survival English at International Organization of Migration (IOM). In addition, he has also worked as regional coordinator of Medical English for Dhaka region. He has presented a paper on "Teacher's Body Language" at the 4th BELTA International Conference 2009 and conducted a workshop at the BELTA National Conference at Rajshahi (2011) on using games in the ESL classroom. His field of interest includes teaching methodology, materials development & testing.

Taslima Irine Ivy, Department of English, Presidency University

Taslima Irine Ivy is currently working as a lecturer at the English Department, Presidency University, Bangladesh. She completed BA (hons.) in English and MA in Applied Linguistics and ELT from Department of English, University of Dhaka securing 2nd class 1st position and 1st class 1st position respectively. Taslima has been awarded the Dean’s merit scholarship (Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka) for 1st position in 1st year (hons.), Professor Nurunnahar Begum Trust Fund Scholarship for 1st position in 2nd year (hons) and 3rd year (hons), Allumni Association President’s award (English dept.) for 1st position in BA hons, Allumni Association President’s award (English dept.) and gold medal for 1st class 1st position in MA. She was the College Prefect of Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College. Her research interest includes technology and language teaching, error feedback, classroom dynamics & English for Specific Purposes (ESP).




How to Cite

Karim, M. Z., & Ivy, T. I. (2011). The nature of teacher feedback in second language (L2) writing classrooms: A study on some private universities in Bangladesh. Journal of the Bangladesh Association of Young Researchers, 1(1), 31–48.



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