Bridging the digital divide through public, school and college libraries: Case study of Bangladesh


  • Nafiz Zaman Shuva Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka, Dhaka
  • Rowshon Akhter Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka, Dhaka



Digital Divide, ICT Scenario Bangladesh, Government Initiatives, Non-government initiatives, Public libraries, School libraries, College libraries


The least developed and developing countries are combating against digital divide in order to keep the wheel of development rolling and escape from the vicious circle of poverty as digital divide is one of the key factors that can lead the poverty situation of these nations to an extreme level. In Bangladesh, the digital divide condition is severe. Therefore it is imperative for Bangladesh to take fruitful steps to bridge the digital divide and to ensure ICT facilities at the national level. Recently as government pledged to convert Bangladesh into Digital Bangladesh by 2021 which is the golden jubilee year of Bangladesh independence, several initiatives have been taken to overcome the digital divide and to produce future qualified generations. However, it has been observed that no worth mentioning project has been taken by any government that ensures proper development of public, school and college libraries. Government should realize the fact that complete development of the country is never possible unless we concentrate library based education. It is not possible for any government to ensure computer with internet connection to each and every family in Bangladesh, however, it is possible to ensure ICTs at school, college and public libraries. The author of this paper firmly believe that ensuring ICTs to public, school and college libraries will greatly reduce digital divide at the national level and will produce qualified, efficient, ICT competent future generations. In this paper an attempt has been made by the authors to show the existing digital divide in the country, current ICT scenario and core projects that have taken by government, non-government, donor agencies and other development organization. The main object of this paper is to show how public, school and college libraries can reduce digital divide at the national level. It is believed that coordinated, long-term, effective projects/programme to reduce digital divide will ensure peaceful, educated, qualified, ICT competent future generations.

Key words: Digital Divide; ICT Scenario Bangladesh; Government Initiatives; Non-government initiatives; Public libraries; School libraries; College libraries.

DOI: 10.3329/jbayr.v1i1.6839

Journal of Bangladesh Association of Young Researchers Vol.1(1) 2011 pp.49-77


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Author Biographies

Nafiz Zaman Shuva, Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka, Dhaka

Nafiz Zaman Shuva is Lecturer of the Department of Information Science & Library Management, University of Dhaka. Nafiz secured 1st class 1st position in both his BA (Honours) and Masters from the Department of Information Science & Library Management, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Currently Nafiz is Erasmus Mundus Scholar for the 2009-2011 academic sessions. He has more than 10 research publications in his credit. Nafiz is the founder president of the Bangladesh Association of Young Researchers (BAYR). He is one of the ASIS&T international paper contest winner 2004. Nafiz presented paper in UK, USA, Canada, Norway, Estonia, Italy and India. His research interest includes digital library system development, mobile applications in libraries and education institutions, e-government and its related aspects.

Rowshon Akhter, Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka, Dhaka

Rowshon Akter is a Lecturer in the Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She has successfully completed her B. A. (Hons.) and M. A. from the same Department and secured First Class first position in both her examinations. Before joining in Dhaka University she worked as Photographic Officer including the charge of projects in Bangladesh National Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre (BANSDOC).




How to Cite

Shuva, N. Z., & Akhter, R. (2011). Bridging the digital divide through public, school and college libraries: Case study of Bangladesh. Journal of the Bangladesh Association of Young Researchers, 1(1), 49–77.



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