Haemodynamic Changes before Aortic Cannulation in CABG Surgery Under Propofol-Fentanyl Anaesthesia: Comparison with Oxygen- nitrous- Halothane Technique
CABG surgeryAbstract
Patients undergoing CABG surgery have abnormal cardiovascular physiology and are commonly associated with multivessels disease, have compromised ventricular function and are often associated with other co morbid conditions. Aim of the study was to compare the peroperative hemodynamic effect in CABG surgery before aortic cannulation of two anesthetic techniques, e.g. TIVA (propofol-fentanyl) vs conventional (N20-halothane). 40 patients scheduled for CABG surgery were allocated in double blind, randomized study. Patients were divided into two groups. In group A patients were maintained anaesthesia with TIVA (Propofol-fentanyl) technique and in group B patients conventional (N20-halothane) technique. Hemodynamic parameters were taken at different stages in peroperative period upto the time of aortic cannulation. Hemodynamic supports were manipulated in a systematic approach. Hemodynamic status was evaluated and compared on the basis of support requirements between the groups. No significant changes of all the hemodynamic parameters were observed at induction, intubation, skin incision, sternotomy and then in maintenance phase (mean of 15 minutes interval) upto aortic cannulation in both groups.
Journal of BSA, Vol. 19, No. 1 & 2, 2006 p.3-8