A Clinical Study and Short Term Outcome of the Patients Presented with Thyroiditis


  • Rafia Afrose Dhaka Dental College Hospita
  • H A M Najmul Ahasan Dhaka Medical College Hospital
  • Aparna Das Dhaka Medical College
  • Gobinda Banik Sir Salimullah Medical College
  • Abed Hussain Khan BSMMU
  • Md. Nahiduzzamane Shazzad BSMMU
  • Ashfaque Ahmed Siddique Dhaka Medical College Hospital
  • Mohammad Ashik Imran Khan 250 Beded Hospital Sadar, Gopalgonj
  • Mostofa Kamal Chowdhury Dhaka Medical College Hospital




Thyroiditis, Outcome, Hashimotos thyroiditis


Background: Thyroiditis-inflammation of thyroid gland includes a group of individual disorders having many different clinical presentations, aetiopathogenesis and histology. Sometimes they are overlapping on their presentations.

Objectives: To see the clinical biochemical profile and to observe a short term outcome of the patients presented with different types of thyroiditis.

Materials & methods: 50 cases with clinical suspicion of thyroiditis were randomly selected. Clinical history, Physical examination and serum T3, T4, TSH was done in every patient and FNAC of thyroid gland & TMab (Thyroid microsomal antibody) was estimated in some. They were followed up at three monthly intervals with the measurement of TSH.

Results: Cases were subdivided in to 3 groups. Among them subacute thyroiditis were 19 (38%), 26 (52%) were Hashimotos thyroiditis and 5(10%) were silent thyroiditis. The subacute group presented with features of hyperthyroidism, negligible RAIU (radioactive iodine uptake) and FNAC ( Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) showed granulomatous thyroiditis. During follow up (57%) became hypothyroid at 3 months, (26%) euthyroid and (15%) in thyrotoxic state. After 9 months (87%) was hypothyroid and (5.26%) thyrotoxic. At 12 months (94%) was euthyroid and one thyrotoxic. Hashimotos group presented in hypothyroid state, RAIU test were variable. FNAC showed lymphocytic infiltration in all patients. They were found 100% hypothyroid after 1 year. Silent Thyroiditis group were in hyperthyroid state with negligible RAIU. After 12 month (60%) became euthyroid and (40%) remain hypothyroid.

Conclusion: Thyroiditis has both thyrotoxic and hypothyroid phase but they are self limiting. So before giving specific therapy, thyroiditis must be excluded.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jom.v14i1.14532

J MEDICINE 2013; 14 : 23-27


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Author Biographies

Rafia Afrose, Dhaka Dental College Hospita

Medical Officer,Medicine

H A M Najmul Ahasan, Dhaka Medical College Hospital

Professor, Department of Medicine

Aparna Das, Dhaka Medical College

Assistant Professor, Medicine

Gobinda Banik, Sir Salimullah Medical College

Lecturer, Pharmacology

Abed Hussain Khan, BSMMU

Medical Officer, Dept. of Medicine

Md. Nahiduzzamane Shazzad, BSMMU

Medical Officer, Dept. of Medicine,

Ashfaque Ahmed Siddique, Dhaka Medical College Hospital

Medical Officer, Medicine

Mohammad Ashik Imran Khan, 250 Beded Hospital Sadar, Gopalgonj

Medical Officer,Medicine

Mostofa Kamal Chowdhury, Dhaka Medical College Hospital

Medical Officer, Medicine




How to Cite

Afrose, R., Ahasan, H. A. M. N., Das, A., Banik, G., Khan, A. H., Shazzad, M. N., Siddique, A. A., Khan, M. A. I., & Chowdhury, M. K. (2013). A Clinical Study and Short Term Outcome of the Patients Presented with Thyroiditis. Journal of Medicine, 14(1), 23–27. https://doi.org/10.3329/jom.v14i1.14532



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