The Study of in vitro and in vivo Effects of Concurrent Administration of Paracetamol and Zinc on the Antibacterial Activity of Ciprofloxacin


  • Muhammad Rezwanul Ahsan Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • Md Zakir Sultan Drug Research Laboratory, Centre for Advanced Research in Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • Mohammad Abdullahil Baki Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • Md Aknur Rahman Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • Md Aslam Hossain Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • Md Amjad Hossain Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • Md Shah Amran Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000



Ciprofloxacin, Paracetamol, Zinc, Interaction, Concurrent administration, Disc diffusion, In vitro and In vivo


Concurrent administration of more than one drug is a common practice in medical science and in such case one drug may affect the pharmacology of another drug. Ciprofloxacin is a commonly used antibiotic in Bangladesh and frequently prescribed with paracetamol and zinc salt for concomitant use in patients suffering from  infections. Therefore, the interaction of ciprofloxacin with paracetamol and zinc salt was studied in vitro at pH 1.2,  6.8 and 7.4 which are related to gastric, intestinal juices and blood environment, respectively. In vitro evaluation of  ciprofloxacin complexes with paracetamol and zinc was carried on several gram positive and gram negative microorganisms by disc diffusion method. The in vivo effect of the complexes was assessed by determining the plasma concentration in mice by spectroscopic method. It was observed that in the in vitro study paracetamol and zinc has insignificant effect on the antibacterial activity of ciprofloxacin although zinc itself showed some  antibacterial activity; and in the in vivo study it was found that zinc sulphate reduced the bioavailability of ciprofloxacin HCl.




Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci. 10(2): 137-142, 2011 (December)



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How to Cite

Ahsan, M. R., Sultan, M. Z., Baki, M. A., Rahman, M. A., Hossain, M. A., Hossain, M. A., & Amran, M. S. (2012). The Study of in vitro and in vivo Effects of Concurrent Administration of Paracetamol and Zinc on the Antibacterial Activity of Ciprofloxacin. Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(2), 137–142.


