Impact Assessment of Different Polymers on Physicochemical Properties of Ibuprofen Loaded Solid Dispersions


  • Sonia Ferdousy Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka Dhaka-1000
  • BK Sajeeb Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka Dhaka-1000
  • Shahida Yeasmin Department of Pharmacy, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh Tangail-1902
  • ABM Faroque Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka Dhaka-1000



Ibuprofen, poloxamer 237, PEG 6000, Na-CMC, particle size analyses, saturation solubility


In the present study, solid dispersions of ibuprofen were prepared to improve aqueous solubility of ibuprofen. A series of formulations were prepared where PEG 6000 with polymers named PVP K30, cross PVP, poloxamer 237, HPMC ASLF, pregelatinized starch, Na-CMC, Eudragit L100, and kollidon IR were used in different ratios. Among 41 formulations, solid dispersions of ibuprofen in PEG 6000 with each of PVP K30, poloxamer 237, and Na-CMC at ratio of 2:9:7 revealed improved solubility of 952.73 ± 1.31, 878.18 ± 0.97, and 1263.64 ± 1.58 μg/ml, respectively. The physicochemical properties of these preparations were ascertained by FTIR, SEM, DSC, and particle size analyses. FTIR spectrum showed absence of chemical interactions and physical compatibilities between ibuprofen and polymers were confirmed by DSC. Disappearance of individual surface properties in solid dispersions were revealed by SEM studies, which indicated the formation of effective preparations. On the other hand, particle size analysis showed reduction in particle size of ibuprofen from solid dispersions that demonstrated solubility enhancement of ibuprofen. The above studies suggested that solid dispersions of ibuprofen in PEG 6000 at ratios of 2:9:7 with each of PVP K30, poloxamer 237, and Na-CMC were found to be effective to improve aqueous solubility.

Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci. 17(2): 183-190, 2018 (December)


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Author Biographies

Sonia Ferdousy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka Dhaka-1000

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

BK Sajeeb, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka Dhaka-1000

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Shahida Yeasmin, Department of Pharmacy, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh Tangail-1902

Department of Pharmacy

ABM Faroque, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Dhaka Dhaka-1000

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology




How to Cite

Ferdousy, S., Sajeeb, B., Yeasmin, S., & Faroque, A. (2018). Impact Assessment of Different Polymers on Physicochemical Properties of Ibuprofen Loaded Solid Dispersions. Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 17(2), 183–190.


