Editorial Team

Editorial Board


Professor Dr. Hasan Ahmad

Department of Chemistry, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

Fax: 88-0721-750064; jsr_editor@ru.ac.bd

Materials Sciences, Polymer Chemistry


Prof. Sultana N. Nahar

Dept of Astronomy, McPherson Lab, The Ohio State University, 140 West 18th Avenue, AST, Columbus, OH 43210, USA, Tel: 1-614-292-1888,  Fax: 1-614-292-2928

 nahar.1@osu.edu; http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~nahar

Atomic Astrophysics and Spectroscopy

Professor Nurul Absar

Cairman, Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Science & Technology Chittagong, Bangladesh, nurul_ustc@yahoo.com

Enzymology, Blyprotein, Phytochemistry, Nutrition

Professor Md. Hossain Ali

Deparrtment of Applied Mathematics, Rajshahi Univesity, Bangladesh

m_h_ali@ru.ac.bd , ali_m.hossain@yahoo.com

Relativity, Black Hole Physics

Professor Mamun-ur-Rashid Khandker

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh khandker@ru.ac.bd

Computer networks, Optical switch networks, Embedded system

Professor Saleh Hasan Naqib

Department of Physics, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh;


Strongly correlated electronic systems, Experimental low temperature physics, Density functional theory in semiconducting systems, Dirac semimetals and topological systems. Novel low and high transition temperature compounds

Professor Dr. Syamal Chakrabarti

Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal, - 700073, India


X-ray crystallography, Coordination chemistry

Professor A. A. Mamun

Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Nonlinear Physics, Waves, Acoustics, Astrophysical Plasma, Space Plasma Physics

Professor M. Rezaul Karim

Department of Statistics, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh; mrkarim@ru.ac.bd

Reliabilty and survival analysis, Statistical information, multivibrate analysis, Simulation and modeling, Data science

Dr. A T M Nazmul Islam

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Senior Researcher, Germany


Quantum Phenomena in Novel Materials

Assoc. Professor M. Sajjadur Rahim

Department of Information & Communication Engineering, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh sajid_ice@ru.ac.bd; sajid_83@yahoo.com

Underwater Communication and Network, Delay-Tolerant Network (DTN), Opportunistic Network (OppNet), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET)

International Advisory Board

Professor Hideto Minami
Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan, Tel/Fax:  +81-78-803-6197, minamihi@kobe-u.ac.jp

Applied Chemistry: Soft Matter, Polymer particles, Preparation of functional polymer particles, Colloidal structure using hydrogen bonding interaction

Professor Dr. Ya-xiang YUAN

Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing

Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100080, China  

Tel +86-10-6255-9001   Fax +86-10-6254-2285,   yyx@lsec.cc.ac.cn

Nonlinear optimization, mainly on trust region algorithms, quasi-Newton methods

Professor Dr. Mir Masoom Ali

George and Frances Ball Distinguished Professor of Statistics Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Ball State University

Muncie, Indiana 47306-0490, USA, mali@bsu.edu , mirmasoom@gmail.com

Professor Alexander Chroneos

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Thessaly, 38221 Volos, Greece (Honorary Reader at Imperial College London, UK)


Nanoelectronics, batteries, diffusion, SOFC

Professor Anis Haque

University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr NW, Calgary AB, T2N, 1N4 Canada


Nanomagnetics/magnetoelectronics, Renewable energy, Engineering education

Dr. S Abraskasa

Geology Department, University of Port Hartcourt, Nigeria


Geology and Geochemistry

Editorial Office

Professor M. Shahjahan

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh


Molecular Biology; Bacterial Drug resistance; Medicinal values of Natural products

Professor Md. Shahed Zaman

Dean, Faculty of Science, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, zmshahed@ru.ac.bd

Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry

Professor Abdullah Shams Bin Tariq

Department of Physics, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, asbtariq@ru.ac.bd  

Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics

Professor Kalyan Kumar Dey

Department of Mathematics, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh, kkdmath@ru.ac.bd


Professor Mohd. Roushown Ali

Department of Chemistry, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh,  roushown@ru.ac.bd

In-situ study of crystal structures and phase transition, Synthesis and development of nanocatalysts