Isolation and Identification of Pasteurella multocida from Chicken for the Preparation of Oil Adjuvanted Vaccine


  • Samina Ievy Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
  • Mohammad Ferdousur Rahman Khan Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
  • Md Ariful Islam Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
  • Md Bahanur Rahman Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202



Isolation, Pasteurella multocida, killed vaccine, efficacy


The research work was performed for the isolation and identification of Pasteurella multocida from field cases, preparation of oil adjuvanted vaccine from isolated strain and determination of its efficacy. Samples were collected from suspected dead birds of three poultry farms of Bangladesh (Code name: M and R). The P. multocida isolates were Gram negative, non-motile, non- spore forming rod occurring singly or pairs and occasionally as chains or filaments. Biochemically P. multocida ferment basic sugar and consistently produced acid except from maltose and lactose. After isolation formalin killed oil adjuvanted Fowl cholera vaccine was prepared in Laboratory of the Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, BAU and this experimental vaccine (3.2x108 CFU/ml) was administered in nine weeks old White Leg Horn chickens at the different dose rate through intramuscular (IM) route in each selected group A (1ml alum precipitated vaccine), B (0.5ml alum precipitated vaccine), C (1ml oil adjuvanted vaccine) and D (0.5ml oil adjuvanted vaccine). Pre-vaccinated sera were collected from all groups of birds. The mean of Passive Hemagglutination (PHA) titers of post-vaccination were 51±17.8, 76.8±17, 89.6±17, and 115±17.81 in group A, B, C and D respectively which consist of 5 birds in each. The vaccine produced better immune response when boostering with the similar dose and route at 15 days after primary vaccination. The mean PHA titers were higher at group D than other groups after boostering. Challenge infection was conducted on all the vaccinated and control group (n=5) of birds after 15 days of vaccination which protect 93.75% of birds and the PHA titers from different groups analyzed to determine the protective capacity of vaccinated chickens against challenge exposure. It was demonstrated that experimental oil adjuvanted fowl cholera vaccine with 0.5ml dose produce higher immune response against challenge infection and found to be safe.

Microbes and Health, June 2013, 2(1): 1-4



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How to Cite

Ievy, S., Khan, M. F. R., Islam, M. A., & Rahman, M. B. (2013). Isolation and Identification of Pasteurella multocida from Chicken for the Preparation of Oil Adjuvanted Vaccine. Microbes and Health, 2(1), 1–4.


