Effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on yield of mungbean [Vignaradiata (L.) Wilczek] in Patuakhali district of Bangladesh
BARI mung6, yield, nitrogenous fertilizerAbstract
An experiment was conducted at the research field of the Horticulture Research Center at Labukhali, Patuakhali during the period from January to March 2014 to find out the most suitable BARI mungbean variety and optimum rates of N concerning higher seed yield under the regional condition of Patuakhali (AEZ13). Two BARI mungbean varieties namely BARI mung5 (V1) and BARI mung6 (V2) and five levels of N fertilizer including control viz. 0 kg N ha1 (N0), 30 kg N ha1 (N30), 45 kg N ha1 (N45), 60 kg N ha1 (N60), and 75 kg N ha1 (N75) were used for the present study as level factor A and B, respectively. In case of variety, BARI mung6 produced significantly longest pod (7.56 cm), maximum pods (9.14) plant1, maximum seeds (9.14) pod1, higher weight of 100seed (4.48 g), highest seed weight (4.33 g plant1) and highest seed yield (1.56 t ha1) than BARI mung5 at harvest. In case of N fertilizer, longest pod (7.96 cm), maximum pods plant1 (10.45), maximum seeds pod1 (9.70), higher weight of 100seed (4.52 g), higher weight of seed (5.73 g plant1) and greater seed yield (1.85 t ha1) were also obtained in 45 kg N ha1 compare other N levels. The BARI mung6 × 45 kg N ha1 for seed yield was found under the regional condition of Patuakhali (AEZ-13).
Asian J. Med. Biol. Res. December 2015, 1(3): 508-517