Understanding of Authorship by the Post Graduate Medical Students at a Center in Bangladesh


  • Shamima Parvin Lasker Professor & Head of Anatomy, Shahabuddin Medical College, Dhaka, Banglades https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3484-9526
  • Muslema Begum Assistant Professor, Depatment of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh
  • Arif Hossain Professor & Course Co-ordinator, Etrat University, Iran;
  • Md Abdul Matin Assistant Director (Research & Planning), DGHS, Bangladesh
  • Saiful Islam Medical officer, DGHS
  • Darryl Macer President, American University of Sovereign Nations, USA.


Authorship, medical student, publication ethics, Bangladesh


Education on authorship was delivered and evaluated by pre test and post test questionnairen on 30 post graduate medical students at the Department of Anestheology, Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh between January and June 2019 to understand the knowledge, skill and attitude of post graduate medical students on authorship. Result: Before intervention, majority (60%) of the students felt that who perform the research work should be the author of the article. But 40% students were divided and felt that who advised the design of the research (20%), who provided the grants (10%) and Chief/Head of the division (10%) should be the author of the article respectively. Maximum (70%) respondents did not know the order of authorship. Of 40% respondent felt that the PI should be always the first author and 40% don’t know the answer. Half of the students (50%) felt that keeping honorary author increased the opportunity of acceptance of publication. Of 36.7% and 13.3% of students felt that keeping honorary author increased the article’s value and made good relation to them to get some extra facility from them respectively. Of 20% participants were pressurized by lab head/head of department for inclusion of their name as an author. Half of the (56.7 %) respondents felt that the author’s contribution should be stated in the article. Only few 4 (13.3%) respondents said that their institute had guideline for authorship. However, after education 100% of students felt that who perform the research work should be only the author of the article. All (100%) respondents understood the order of authorship. Most of the students (86%) felt that PI should be always the first author. Of 100% respondent felt supervisor of the research should be the last author. All students (100%) felt author’s contribution should be mentioned in the article. All (100%) students did not want to include as author those who help in research design and secured grant; and they did not like to keep honorary author in their article. All (100%) students expressed that their institute had no guideline for authorship. After intervention, three groups of students were asked to write one page of article on Anesthesiology. Interestingly, they did not include any name in the author by line who were not participate or had any contribution in the writing. Conclusion: The comparative data between pre- and post-text have highlighted a general lack of understanding of the basic concept of authorship ethics which significantly improved after the intervention. The results also indicate that the education on authorship improved the awareness of postgraduate medical students in a particular centre.


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Author Biographies

Shamima Parvin Lasker, Professor & Head of Anatomy, Shahabuddin Medical College, Dhaka, Banglades

PhD (USA), MPH (USA), EMMB (Europe), MPhil (BD), MSc (BD), Secretary General, Bangladesh Bioethics Society.(Corresponding Author)


Muslema Begum, Assistant Professor, Depatment of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh

MD, FCPS, Life member, Bangladesh Bioethics Society


Arif Hossain, Professor & Course Co-ordinator, Etrat University, Iran;

PhD, Vice President, Bangladesh Bioethics Society. 


Md Abdul Matin, Assistant Director (Research & Planning), DGHS, Bangladesh

PhD, Upozila Heath & Family Planning Officer, Abhoynagar Upozila Health Complex, Jashore, (Previous position during research); Life Member, Bangladesh Bioethics Society


Saiful Islam, Medical officer, DGHS



Darryl Macer, President, American University of Sovereign Nations, USA.

Ph.D., Hon.D., Provost, American University of Sovereign Nations, USA.




How to Cite

Lasker, S. P., Begum, M., Hossain, A., Matin, M. A., Islam, S., & Macer, D. (2021). Understanding of Authorship by the Post Graduate Medical Students at a Center in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics, 12(1), 25–34. Retrieved from https://banglajol.info/index.php/BIOETHICS/article/view/51970


