Identification Of Pathogen Causing Wilt Disease Of Chinese Yam (Dioscorea Polystachya Turczaninow) In Hunan


  • Kai Liao Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology / Collaborative Innovation Center for Farmland Weeds Control, Loudi, Hunan, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China
  • Xuetuan Lin Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology / Collaborative Innovation Center for Farmland Weeds Control, Loudi, Hunan, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China
  • Biao Hu Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology / Collaborative Innovation Center for Farmland Weeds Control, Loudi, Hunan, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China
  • Chenzhong Jin Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology / Collaborative Innovation Center for Farmland Weeds Control, Loudi, Hunan, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China
  • Yalun Hao Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology / Collaborative Innovation Center for Farmland Weeds Control, Loudi, Hunan, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China
  • Xiu Liu Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology / Collaborative Innovation Center for Farmland Weeds Control, Loudi, Hunan, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China
  • Jianhong Yan Loudi Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China
  • Kaifa Guo Loudi Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China
  • Hongyan Liu Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology / Collaborative Innovation Center for Farmland Weeds Control, Loudi, Hunan, Loudi, Hunan, 417000, China



Chinese yam, Fusarium asiaticum, Wilt disease, Fungicides.


This study aims to identify the pathogen causing wilt disease of Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya Turczaninow.) in Hunan Province. Diseased stems were collected from the fields in Loudi City in the Hunan Province. Tissue culture method was used for the isolation of the pathogen causing wilt disease of Chinese yam, and was identified as Fusarium asiaticum based on the morphological characteristics and molecular technology. Out of five fungicides, Difenoconazole· Azoxystrobin 40% SC, Hexaconazole 5% SC, and Difenoconazole 10% WDG, demonstrated inhibitory effects on the pathogen. Among them, hexonazole 5% SC had the lowest EC50 value and was the most sensitive to the pathogen of Chinese yam wilt, so it should be selected first for the control of Chinese yam wilt.

Bangladesh J. Bot. 53(3): 857-863, 2024 (September) Special


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How to Cite

Liao, K., Lin, X., Hu, B., Jin, C., Hao, Y., Liu, X., Yan, J., Guo, K., & Liu, H. (2024). Identification Of Pathogen Causing Wilt Disease Of Chinese Yam (Dioscorea Polystachya Turczaninow) In Hunan. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 53(30), 857–863.


