Impact of Constipation in Children on Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)


  • Seikh Azimul Hoque Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka.
  • Md Tariqul Islam Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka
  • Farid Ahmed Associate Professor, Department of Paediatric Nephrology, Dhaka Shishu Hospital, Dhaka.
  • Mohammed Hanif Professor, Department of Paediatric Nephrology, Dhaka Shishu Hospital, Dhaka
  • Shahnoor Islam Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatric Surgery, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka.
  • MA Matin Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka.



Urinary tract infection (UTI), constipation


Objectives: The study was done to find out the relationship between constipation and
urinary tract infection (UTI) in children.
Methods: The study was a case control study between two groups in a tertiary care
children hospital in Dhaka city. In group-1 (n=45) those children having history of
constipation and in group-2 (n=78) as a control group having no history of constipation
were included in this study. Growths of a single species of organism with colony count
of >105/ml in a clean-catch midstream single urine sample was considered as evidence
of urinary tract infection.
Results: Positive urine culture was found in 8.9% (4/45) cases in children who had
history of constipation and 1.3% (1/78) in children who had no history of constipation.
Though the number of positive urine culture was seven times more in children with
constipation than those who were not constipated but the difference between the two
groups was not statistically significant (p=0.059) .
Conclusion: Culture documented UTI in children with constipation is seven times
more than without constipation showing impact of constipation on urinary tract infection
(UTI) in children.

Key words: Urinary tract infection (UTI); constipation.

DOI: 10.3329/bjch.v34i1.5697

Bangladesh Journal of Child Health
2010; Vol.34(1): 17-20


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How to Cite

Hoque, S. A., Islam, M. T., Ahmed, F., Hanif, M., Islam, S., & Matin, M. (2010). Impact of Constipation in Children on Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Bangladesh Journal of Child Health, 34(1), 17–20.



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