About the Journal
Bangladesh Journal of Infectious Diseases (Bangladesh J Infect Dis) is a fully Open Access journal publishing full-length research articles, review articles, case reports, editorial, case report, opinion, correspondence, letters to editors, book reviews and short reports of broad significance in the field of microbiology and related disciplines, as well as current methodological advancements that are of general interest to a wide audience. Bangladesh J Infect Dis also publishes reviews and commentaries on topics of interest to the microbiology research community. All microbes are covered. These include immunity related to human diseases, innante immunity, microbiology, pathology, bacteriology, virology, pathophysiology, bacterial infections, viral infections, infection surveillance and pediatric infections. BJID do not stick to particular area of research, as infectious diseases are a vast field it covers all areas. Bangladesh J Infect Dis endeavors to offer its authors a fast first decision and rapid publication, is committed to fair and transparent peer review, and aims to recognize the crucial, and often unnoticed, contribution to peer review by Early Career Scientists.
Please read the instructions to authors carefully when preparing your submissions. If you have any queries please contact editor.bjid@yahoo.com or ayusuf75@yahoo.com. Please note that the Editors will consider minor deviations from the journal policies (e.g. on word count) upon request.
Publication Frequency
This journal is publishing two issues in each volume in June and December of each year.
Bangladesh Infection Research Association