About the Journal

Aims and Objectives

Bangladesh Journal of Jute and Fibre Research (BJJFR) is the pioneer publication of Agricultural and Technological Research, Mainly focus on Jute and Fibre Related Research. Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) is an Achieve of Excellence in Research and Development of Jute. The mission of BJRI is to increase income, alleviate poverty, improve socio-economic condition of farmers and related stakeholders, and save environment by developing and transferring sustainable agricultural and industrial technologies of jute and allied fibre crops.

Review Process 

  1. The manuscript is first reviewed by a reviewer.
  2. After reviewed by reviewer the manuscript will be given to the author for correction given by reviewer (if any).
  3. The Editor in Charge will check whether the author have corrected the correction given by reviewer or not.
  4. After that the manuscript will be given to an over-viewer for another review.
  5. After reviewed by the over-viewer the manuscript will be given to the author again if there any correction.
  6. Lastly, by analyzing the comments given by the reviewer and over-viewer, the Editorial Board will decide the article is acceptable for publish or not.  


By submitting a paper to this journal; it is understood that the author has agreed to our terms and conditions which may change from time to time without any notice.

Author will take the responsibility what so ever if any copyright infringement or any other violation of any law is done by publishing the research work by the author.

Conflict of interest

There is no conflict of interest.

Publication Ethics

Published information’s within the individual article are the responsibility of its author(s). BJJFR and its editorial board accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate and misleading information, opinion or statement.

Publication Frequency

BJJFR is published twice in a year (July & December).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Article Processing Fees

There is no article-processing fee.

Source of Support

Funded by Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI). Revenue budget allocated for journal publication  


Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI)