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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

A. Submission of a manuscript

i. Articles for publication in the Journal should be sent through e-mail to the Editor ( with a forwarding letter. The article should not exceed 25 typed pages including tables, figures and references. A short abstract not exceeding 350 words should be included in the manuscript. A 2.5 cm margin on both sides of the page is desirable. The text should be typed in Times New Roman font in 11 points and double spaced. Lines of the each page should be numbered. All correspondences should be addressed to the Editor.

ii. Tables in double spaces should be simple in presentation and as few as possible. Weights and measures must be expressed in the metric system and temperatures in the Celsius (centigrade) scale. Table must be self-explanatory.

iii. Editing and publication of papers will normally follow the order of their submission except where emergency, reviewing and revisions or priority demand otherwise.

iv. Authors having less confidence in quality of their English are strongly encouraged to improve the text (grammar and readability) through proof read, prior to submission.

v. A running head or short title must be given not exceeding 40 characters including spaces.

vi. A prescribed “Author Declaration Form” must be filled-up and submitted along with the manuscript during the first submission.

B. Structure of Manuscripts

Title Page

The first page of each manuscript starts with the title of the paper. The main title of the manuscript and sub-titles (Introduction, Materials and Methods… etc.) should be typed in lower case letter of 13 and 12 font sizes, respectively with bold-face and set in the center of the page. The title should represent main theme of the article and be as brief as possible without any abbreviations.

Author name (first, middle and last) without professional rank or title should be written, only the last name in full and the rests are in abbreviated form, and same should be followed for more than single author. In case of more than single author each should be aware of the content of the article and responsible for its contents. Author(s) name should follow their affiliations (name of the institution, city, country and zip code) and should be typed short using upper and lower case letters.

The name of author for correspondence and the associates with different affiliations should have superscripts to put their affiliation just below the author names. Email, Fax and telephone numbers of the author for correspondence should be given. The name of brands or company or identification marks of any equipment, chemicals or other materials referred to in the text should be included in parentheses within the text but not in footnotes. A short but representative running head (<40 characters plus spaces) should also appear in the center of the title page after author affiliations.


The abstract consisting of <350 words should be in the first page. The word Abstract will be in bold face letter. It should be brief consisting text and data reflecting main objectives and results of the work in understandable form. The abstract should start with a clear statement of the objectives of the experiment and must conclude highlighting important conclusion. References should not be included in the abstract and abbreviations other than that(s) is not included in the standard abbreviation list of BJLR must be defined when come first in the text.

Key Words

The term Key words typed in bold face with colon should follow the first of species, variables tested and major response criteria and must be within five (5) words at the end of the abstract. The key words in will start with capital letter and each must be separated by a coma. The whole line should be centered on the page and surrounded by brackets. Key words must be selected from the most recent issues of the CAB Thesaurus (available from CAB. International, 845 North Park Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719; Telephone: 1-800-528-4841).


Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion), and Reference, the major headings of an article except review and symposium papers should appear in lower case letter of 12 font size and bold face and aligned centrally. Except abstract, key words, introduction and references major headings of review papers or papers from symposia may deviate from the standard format. Abbreviations should be avoided in headings.

First sub-heading with the first word in capital without any punctuation should appear at the left margin on a separate line in bold-faced print. First subheadings are used when subsections below major headings consist of several paragraphs, especially, if some or all of the paragraphs begin with a second subheading. Second subheadings introduce sections consisting three to four paragraphs and appear being italicized without labeling (a, b, c etc.) at the beginning of the first line of a paragraph.


The introduction consolidates main themes of research with a brief justification citing recent and relevant references and specifying the hypothesis to be tested and starts on a new page following the abstract. Repeating thee or ideas or citing too many references cause redundancies and affect smartness of the article.

Materials and Methods

Materials (diets, animals, breed, sex, age, body weight, and weighing conditions etc) should be described and methods (biological, analytical and statistical) followed should either be described or referred. The methods (biological and statistical) should respond correctly to testing of hypothesis.

Statistics or mathematics should not be emphasized over biology but the use of incorrect or inadequate statistical/mathematical methods to analyze and interpret biological data is not acceptable. Common statistical methods and software’s used for data analysis should have adequate references. Designing experiments (treatments, replications, blocks, experimental units etc) must be clarified to respond to hypothesis. Results of statistical analysis should justify the interpretations and conclusions.


Results may either be presented alone or combined with discussion and should be presented using tables, graphs and figures, and with statistical and mathematical analyses. They should be self-explanatory with necessary titles, symbols or footnotes. The data presented in tables, graphs or figures should be explained elaborately without any redundancy in the text. Statements without data support or repeating of data should be kept minimum. The presentation of results along with statistical or mathematical analyses should be a complete story in nature to allow readers to understand and interpret the results of an experiment. Use of digital photographs with adequate contrast is encouraged.


Tables should be self-explanatory and well defined to present numerical data. Data presented by illustrations should not be duplicated and abbreviation(s) used in a table must be defined at the bottom of the table. Tables should be typed double-spaced and should be placed where appropriate. All tables should be cited in the text. The table number (i.e. Table 4) is typed in bold face followed by a period. The title of the table continues on the same line capitalizing the first letter. The first word of the column headings should be in upper case while the names of variables are typed with only the first letter capitalized (i.e. Average daily gain).

For numerals less than 1, insert a zero to the left of the decimal point (columns should be set up so that decimal points are aligned if possible). Weights and measures up to two decimal points must be expressed in the metric system and temperatures in the Celsius (centigrade) scale. If there are no data for a particular entry, insert a dash. If an explanation is necessary, use an abbreviation in the body of the table (e.g. ND) and explain clearly in footnotes what the abbreviation means. Footnotes used in tables should be specified by superscript numbers and described accordingly. Superscript letters are used to designate statistical significance and use a lower case to indicate probability values (i.e. p<0.05).

Presentation of pooled standard errors, the general basis for statistical comparisons of means is recommended when variance is homogenous. These should be presented in a separate column or row. Standard errors can be attached to each mean by ± signs when variance of SE are heterogeneous (e. g. unbalanced experiments or unequal numbers of observations in treatment means). The inclusion levels of major ingredients in diets should be presented in percentage of the total rather than in g/kg of diet.


The main differences in the presentation of results and discussion is that the former describes the findings of the research work conducted by the author(s) and the later interprets the results clearly and concisely in terms of biological mechanisms supporting with mathematics and other related sciences where necessary. Discussion also justifies the results integrating them with other related research findings citing references and provides readers and opportunity to decide on acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses tested. Results and references to tables and figures already described in the RESULTS section should not be repeated in the DISCUSSION but the later should be guided by salient data. However, authors are allowed to present RESULTS and DISCUSSION together or separately.


Conclusion may be in one paragraph consisting findings of the research that may be applied for animal production and/or biology with cautions, where necessary, to readers on over exploitations. Implications of the findings may be cited with conclusion but in separate lines. The findings without any direct implications may be included with indications of their appropriate uses.


References in the text are typed either as Hassan (2019) or (Hassan, 2019); Kim et al. (2018) or Giasuddin et al., 2000); Hassan and Ahmed (2001) or (Giasuddin and Ahmed, 1977). Publication without a named author should be listed alphabetically under ‘Anonymous’ abbreviated in the text as ‘Anon’. Multiple references cited in a sentence in the text must be listed following the descending order of the publication year; the latest one should come in first. Author(s) may take help from the latest published issue of this journal. REFERENCES lists should be typed in alphabetical order.

Standard Journal Articles

Hassan, M.R., Sultana, S., Rahman, M.O.A., Rabbani, M.A.G., Sarker, N.R., Ju, Y.C. and Ryu, K.S. 2019. Effect of feeding various probiotics on performance, blood properties, egg quality, and yolk fatty acid composition of laying hens. Aust. J. Sci. Tech., 3: 43-47.

Bruce, J.M. and Clark, J.J. 1979. Models of heat production and critical temperatures in growing pigs. Anim. Prod. 28:353-369.

Rahman, M.F., Ahmed, N. and Ahmed, A.R. 1987. A comparative study on some productive and reproductive performances of dairy Cows at Savar dairy and cattle improvement farm. Bang. Vet. J. 12:55-61.

Svihus, B. 2011a. Limitations of wheat starch digestion in growing broiler chickens: A brief review. Anim. Prod. Sci. 51: 583-589.

Svihus, B. 2011b. The gizzard: function, influence of diet structure, and effects on nutrient availablilty. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 67: 207-223.

Journal Article with a Subtitle

Hume, I.D. 1970. Synthesis of microbial protein in the rumen. III: The effect of dietary protein. Austr. J. Agric. Res. 21:305-314.

Abstracts and Supplements

Hassan, M.R. and Ryu, K.S. 2012. Effect of various LED light colors on the performance, bone mineral density and meat quality of broiler chicks. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 68 (E-Suppl.): 1509-1512.

Smith, J.W., Tokach, M.D., Goodband, R.D., Nelssen, J.L. Nessmith, W.B., Owen, K.Q. and Richert, B.T. 1995. The effect to increasing zinc oxide supplementation on starter pig growth performance. J. Anim. Sci. 73(Supp.1): 72(Abstr.).

Journal Article Accepted but not yet Published

Brooke, M.N. 2001. The effect if starch on gas production in vitro of a straw diet. Bang. J. Livs. Res. (In press).

Standard Book

AOAC. 1990. Official Methods and Analysis. 15th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, Virgina.

NRC. 1988. Nutrient Requirements at Swine. 10th Ed. National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

Chapter in an Edited Book

Coleman, G.S. 1975. Inter-relationship between rumen ciliate protozoa and bacteria. In: Digestion and Metabolism in the Ruminant. [Ed. I. W. McDonald and A. C. I. Warner]. University of New English, Armidale, Australia p:149-164.


Huque, K. S. 1992. The effect of carbohydrate supplementation of a straw based diet on the intake and the extent and kinetics of its digestion in Sheep. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, The Great Britain.

Conference Proceedings

Hassan, M. R., Rabbani, M. A. G., Sultana, S. and Sarker, N. R. 2019. The effect of retinal and extra retinal photo stimulation by LED light on the performance, blood properties and meat qualities of broiler chicks. Proceeding of the 11th International Poultry Show and Seminar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, P.135-138.

Research Reports etc

Islam, M. R., Rahman, M. M. and Huque, K. S. 2002. Study on forage crop production in flood prone areas. Research report of Animal Production Research Division, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh. P:45,

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3.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

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5.2 why we collect and store the data, and for how long

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5.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

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(Updated: 18 May 2018)