Effect of paddy-straw based Total Mixed Ration (TMR) on milk yield, milk composition and rumen parameters in lactating Red Chittagong cows
Dairy cows,TMR, rumen fermentation, milk yield, milk compositionAbstract
This study was carried out for a period of 70 days to investigate the comparative advantages of feeding total mixed ration (TMR) over conventional feeding in Red Chittagong cows (RCC). 15 RCC milking cows were divided into 3 treatment groups in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Existing feeding was denoted as control group (T0). TMR made with 60% roughage and 40% concentrate in the forms of block (T1) and mash (T2) were provided to other treatment groups. DM and CP intake was significantly (p<0.001) higher in T1 group. Body weight gains were not differed significantly, but better milk yield (p<0.001) and milk components were observed in TMR feeding groups. Except ADF, other nutrient digestibility in TMR group were significantly (p<0.05) better than T0. Total volatile fatty acids (p<0.01) and ammonia-nitrogen (p<0.05) in TMR feeding groups were significantly higher than T0. Considering overall observation, TMR either in block or mash performed better than control.
Bangladesh J. of Livestock Res. 21-25: 69-81, 2018