Effect of <i>Bradyrhizobium</i> Inoculation on Nodulation, Biomass Production and Yield of Mungbean
Mungbean, Nodulation, BradyrhizobiumAbstract
Experiments with or without Bradyrhizobium was carried out with five mungbean varieties at Bangladesh Agricultural University Farm during kharif-I 2001 and kharif-I 2002 seasons to observe nodulation, biomass production and yield of mungbean. Significant influences of the mungbean varieties were observed on nodulation, biomass production and yield. BARI Mung-2 produced the highest nodule number, nodule weight, shoot weight, seed yield (1.03 t/ha in 2001 and 0.78 t/ha in 2002) and stover yield (2.24 t/ha in 2001 and 2.01 t/ha in 2002). Application of Bradyrhizobium inoculant produced significant effect on nodulation, shoot dry weight, seed and stover yields in both trials conducted in two consecutive years. Seed inoculation significantly increased seed (0.98 t/ha in 2001, 27% increase over control and 0.75 t/ha in 2002, 29% increase over control) and stover (2.31 t/ha in 2001 and 2.04 t/ha in 2002) yields of mungbean. Inoculated BARI Mung-2 produced the highest nodulation, dry matter production, seed and stover yields. Considering nodulation, biomass production and seed and yields, BARI Mung-2 was found as the best variety among the five. BARI Mung-5 produced the second highest seed yield followed by BARI Mung-4 and BINA Mung-2, and the lowest seed yield was observed in Barisal local.
Keywords: Mungbean, Nodulation, Bradyrhizobium
Bangladesh J Microbiol, Volume 24, Number 2, December 2007, pp 95-99Downloads