18F FDG PET/CT Findings in a Patient with Sarcoidosis: A Case Report


  • Papia Akhter Assistant Professor & SMO, National Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (NINMAS).
  • Pupree Mutsuddy Associate Professor & PMO, National Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (NINMAS)
  • Tapati Mandal Assistant Professor & SMO, National Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (NINMAS).
  • Mohammad Sajjad Al Mishal Medical Officer, National Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (NINMAS)
  • SM Arifur Rahman Medical Officer, National Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (NINMAS)
  • Md Abu Bakker Siddique Professor & CMO, National Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (NINMAS)
  • Shamim M F Begum Professor, Member, bio-science division, BAEC.




Sarcoidosis, 18F FDG PET/CT, granuloma, hypermetabolic lymph node


Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease characterized by the formation of noncaseating granulomas that can affect any site in the body with extremely variable clinical course. Fluorine -18 Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission computed tomography (18F FDG PET/CT) is a useful technique for detecting active inflammatory sites in patients with sarcoidosis thus diagnosis, monitoring response and predicting prognosis. Here we present the case of a 44-year-old lady with sarcoidosis having hepatic involvement detected by 18F FDG PET/CT scan. This patient was presented with increasing complaints of low-grade fever, weight loss and generalized weakness for two years who was found to have a hilar lymphadenopathy in chest X-ray and chest CT scan. 18F FDG PET/CT scan performed to see the extent of disease and revealed multiple hypermetabolic mediastinal and abdominal lymph nodes. There was also heterogenous intense FDG uptake (SUVmax:9.6) in liver without definite change on CT likely due to sarcoidosis involvement in the liver. Later on, hepatic biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of hepatic sarcoidosis.

Bangladesh J. Nuclear Med. 27(1): 107-111, 2024


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How to Cite

Akhter, P., Mutsuddy, P., Mandal, T., Sajjad Al Mishal, M., Rahman, S. A., Siddique, M. A. B., & Begum, S. M. F. (2024). 18F FDG PET/CT Findings in a Patient with Sarcoidosis: A Case Report. Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 27(1), 107–111. https://doi.org/10.3329/bjnm.v27i1.71528



Case Reports