Composition and Binding Properties of Mucilages from Stem Bark of <i>Grewia venusta</i> and Calyx of <i>Bombax costatum</i>, two Tropical Plants Growing Wild in Togo


  • Amen Y Nenonene Unite de Recherche sur les Agroressources et la Sante Environnementale (URASE), Ecole Superieure d'Agronomie, Universite de Lome, Lome
  • Koffi Koba Unite de Recherche sur les Agroressources et la Sante Environnementale (URASE), Ecole Superieure d'Agronomie, Universite de Lome, Lome
  • Komla Sanda Unite de Recherche sur les Agroressources et la Sante Environnementale (URASE), Ecole Superieure d'Agronomie, Universite de Lome, Lome
  • Luc Rigal CATAR, LCA, ENSIACET, INP Toulouse, 31077 Route de Narbonne, Toulouse



Bombax costatum, Grewia venusta, Pectin, Mucilage and Monosaccharides


The stem bark of Grewia venusta and the flower sepal of Bombax costatum, two mucilaginous plants, were investigated as potential sources of bioadhesives for formaldehyde-free particleboards. Mucilage and pectin fractions of both plant organs were analysed for monosaccharides identification and quantification. The binding properties of these mucilages were investigated by testing mechanically particleboard made with the extracted mucilages. The aqueous extraction and ethanolic precipitation, followed by ionic chromatography gave the following results. Depending on the plant organ, extraction yield varied from 12% to 45 %. The pectin from B. costatum contained mainly rhamnose and arabinose (85%), while G. venusta bark's pectin enclosed basically arabinose, glucose and fucose (80%). The mechanical behaviour of the panels met most of the requirements of ANSI 208.1 standard.

Keywords: Bombax costatum, Grewia venusta, Pectin, Mucilage and Monosaccharides

DOI: 10.3329/bjsir.v44i2.3681

Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 44(2), 247-253, 2009


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How to Cite

Nenonene, A. Y., Koba, K., Sanda, K., & Rigal, L. (2009). Composition and Binding Properties of Mucilages from Stem Bark of <i>Grewia venusta</i> and Calyx of <i>Bombax costatum</i>, two Tropical Plants Growing Wild in Togo. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 44(2), 247–253.


