Streamline simulation study on recovery of oil by water flooding: A real case study on Haripur field
Reserve and resources, Water flooding, Streamline simulationAbstract
Haripur field is the first oil producing field in Bangladesh. The field produced approximately 0.53 MMSTB of oil from the well No. SY-7. The oil production began in 1987 and terminated in 1994. All of the oil was produced by the reservoir own energy from the depth of 2030 meter. Recent investigation and study have revealed that approximately 31 MMSTB Oil is remaining in that formation as validated by the reservoir performance based study i.e. oil production rate and tube head pressure history matching. At present condition, the reservoir has no pressure energy to lift the oil to surface as it requires minimum 1500 psi pressure, so it needs pressure energy to lift the oil to surface. Among the recent developed technologies water injection is one of the best methods to sweep oil towards the production well from the injection well as well as to provide sufficient pressure for lifting. In this study we proposed design for optimum waterflooding pattern and defined optimum number of injection and production wells. In addition the production and injection rates are optimized along with selection of the best placement of production and injection wells and their life.
Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. 28(1): 61-72, June-2015